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"Hey, look at her. That's (Last Name) (Name)."

Students whispered as a girl made her way to the stage. It was the opening ceremony for the freshmen at Konoha High.

"You mean she topped that national exam too ? Woah."

"I still can't believe someone as smart as her hasn't skipped a few grades and gone straight to a university."

Everyone hushed as the girl cleared her throat standing near the mike.

"I am (Last Name) (Name), the student representative of this year's freshmen." she began her speech.

All the rest of her speech faded out in the background for one particular boy sitting among the rest of the students. He scowled and gripped the papers in his hand so tightly that the crumbled. He glared at (Name).

Written on the papers in his hand was the student representative's speech. His speech. He was supposed to be standing there, not (Name). He was supposed to be giving that speech, not (Name). He should've topped the school entrance exam, not (Name). Uchiha Sasuke should've been the student representative, not (Last Name) (Name).

Even after studying for months, he could not come first - and it ate him inside.

"....I look forward to an excellent academic year in this school." (Name) finished and everyone clapped.

She looked at the audience, and one particular student caught her eye. He was glaring at her with all his might and if looks could kill, she'd have been dead. He noticed (Name) look at him and seemed surprised for a while, and then glared even harder. She climbed down the stairs of the stage amd made her way to her seat.

As she sat, she couldn't help but smile a little. That duck-butt hairstyle was going to stay in her mind for quite some time.

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