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(Name) left the assembly hall after the assembly was dismissed. She had officially graduated, along with others in her year. After giving her speech as the student council president, she had retired from the post and entrusted it to a junior. Only the entrance exams were left, and then she would be away from the town, studying in college.

A few people came up to her and congratulated her. She also congratualted them and also posed for pictures with some. That day, her parents had messed up the time schedule so by the time they would reach, it would already be late afternoon. They had very grandly missed their daughter's graduation.

(Name) sighed but she didn't feel bad about it. Her parents were always with her whenver she had recieved other awards or certificates so missing it one time was all right.

As she neared the gate, she saw someone leaning on it. It was none other than Uchiha Sasuke. Staying true to his word, he had never shown (Name) his face again. They never had any classes together, and she didn't see him in assemblies either. She wasn't sure how he had done it, but he had somehow managed to keep her from seeing his face. She knew that he hadn't left the school because she always saw his name on the second place when results were put up.

Sasuke looked up and met her eyes as she neared. She looked away and took a deep breath. She started walking faster so that she could avoid him.

"(Name), wait." he called out, just when she was in front of him. Although unwillingly, she turned around with a blank expression in her face. She stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I.. How are you ?" he asked, standing up straight and walking a few steps closer to her.

"Is that really what you wanted to say ?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I know you're going to a college very far from here and I won't be able to see you. I, well, I don't know how I feel about that." he said, scratching the back of his head awakwardly.

"Happy." said (Name).

"What ?"

"You must feel happy knowing that your competition is gone and you can reclaim your position." she said.

Sasuke cringed at her words. "You still haven't forgiven me ?" he asked.

(Name) simply shook her head. Sasuke groaned and held his face in his hands.

"Now I don't know what more I can do to get you to forgive me." he said and it sounded as if he was in pain.

Sasuke was very desperate for it. He was ready to do anything. Over the years when he had made sure he was out of her way, he suddenly found himself missing and craving her company. But he knew he had no right for that. He felt so guilty for what he had done and he was ashamed to face her. And now he had finally mustered up the courage to look into her eyes and say what he had realized over all this time.

(Name) looked at him and felt herself tearing up. She pulled himself away from the gate and the nosy students around.

"Why are you doing this ?" she asked.

"What do you mean ?" asked Sasuke.

"Two years ago, when I said I didn't want to see your face again, you really stayed away from me. I never saw you. Everything became all right and I got used to it and now you come back, asking me to forgive you with the most sincere expression on your face." she said.

"You don't know how hard it was for me to stay away from you." said Sasuke, looking down at (Name). "But I thought the least I could do for you was listen to you."

"I had gotten over my feelings for you." said (Name) in a shaky voice. "Why did you have to come back ? I don't want to feel anything for you but I can't help it. It's breaking my heart."

Sasuke smiled at her and reached out for a strand of her hair. He twisted it around his finger and looked at her.

"Don't resist your heart, (Name)." he said and put his arms around her. She felt herself relaxing into his touch. But she regained her senses soon.

She pushed him back an glared at him. "Stop messing with me." she said. She knew he was only trying to get her to open up to him again, and she dreaded that. What if he hurts her again ? Yes, he had listened to her and stayed away from her for more than two years. He had already shown how sorry he was. But was she ready to forgive him yet ?

Sasuke gave her a small smile when he saw the wheels turning in her head. After that incident in their first year, she had become more reserved and had like a barrier built around her. But Sasuke could still read her like an open book. He bent down so he was at her eye level.

"What are you laughing at ?" she asked him, getting confused by the smile on his face.

He just shook his head and smiled wider.

"Isn't it completely natural to mess with someone you like ?"

A/N :- So that's the end of it.

I know this story was short, but I didn't want to unnecessarily stretch it. I hope you liked it and I would love it if you told me what you think of it. It was fun writing this, and I had a lot of blocks but I made it till the end (yay).

If there are parts you think which could be written better, do tell me. Also if there are some parts you didn't understand or didn't like, don't hesitate to speak up :)

I had a great time writing this and I hope you had a great time reading it too. Thank you for staying around till the end !

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