twenty seven | the substitute

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With his arms crossed over his chest, Christian did nothing but stare at Rachel with narrowed eyes as she wrote 'me' on the whiteboard before she turned around and said to her fellow Glee Clubbers, "Class, in Mr

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With his arms crossed over his chest, Christian did nothing but stare at Rachel with narrowed eyes as she wrote 'me' on the whiteboard before she turned around and said to her fellow Glee Clubbers, "Class, in Mr. Schuester's absence, I'd like to go around and ask everyone what solos they'd like to hear me perform at sectionals."

It was silent for a couple seconds before Santana started to stand up from her seat and yelled, "Alright! You know what, let me at her!"

And all Christian did while Rachel screamed was allow a smirk to slowly make its way onto his face as he lightly clapped his hands together and the mere image of Rachel getting her ass kicked by Santana repeatedly played in his head.

* * *

With a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed over his chest, Christian did nothing but watch how Noah started to butter up the floor near the entrance to the choir room.

While the mere image of just about anyone entering the choir room and falling flat on their ass started to make its way into Christian's head, which did nothing but make him chuckle to himself, Finn walked up to Noah and asked, "Dude, what are you doing?"

Noah told him as he stood back up onto his feet, "Kurt got us a substitute, so I'm buttering the floor."

Finn replied, "But sectionals is, like, two weeks from now."

It was then that Artie said, "Hey, Gigantor. We're all gonna swap names, yo!"

While Christian simply chuckled to himself some more with a mere shake of his head, Rachel started to enter the room as she asked, "Um, did I hear something about a substitu--"

While Christian started to actually laugh at that point, Noah yelled, "Yes! It works!"

Rachel quickly stood up and started to fix her hair as she said, "Well, at least I didn't fall and break my talent." While she walked past Artie, Mercedes and Tina, she said, "I'm fine."

All Christian did in response to Rachel's words was nod to her with a thumbs up, while the three of them laughed at her.

It was then that one of the teachers he saw in the school practically glided her way across the buttered part of the floor, which made Christian tilt his head with furrowed eyebrows, while Artie raised a hand and said, "Oh, what da hell?"

Then the woman said to them, "Hola, clase. Nothin' says 'Bienvenidos' quite like a buttered floor."

Despite the confusion he felt towards the woman, Christian couldn't help but chuckle again when he saw Kurt fall right onto the floor before he looked over at Noah and gave him a thumbs up.

While she took a couple steps forward, the woman said, "Let's start with some introductions. My name is Holly Holliday. What's yours? Go!"

It was then that Noah said, "I'm Finn Hudson. I'm quarterback of the football team."

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