eighty three | city of angels

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Not long after the bell to the elevator let out a ding, Blaine said, "Oh, my God, that's them

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Not long after the bell to the elevator let out a ding, Blaine said, "Oh, my God, that's them."

While Christian only rolled his eyes in response, everyone else in the New Directions asked, "Who?"

Then Blaine quickly turned to look at them as he asked them, "Do you seriously have no idea who that is? Do none of you read the show choir blogs?"

Kitty told him, "No, Blaine. The only one of us, aside from you, that reads the show choir blogs is Christian, but that's only because of that asshole brother of his that he's been complaining about every time he got so much as notification from said brother through social media."

As he pointed back at the group, Blaine said, "That's Throat Explosion." As he turned his head to look back over at them, he said, "And that's their leader, Jean-Baptiste. Jean-Baptiste was born in Quebec to acrobatic parents. He trained with Cirque du Soleil before emigrating to Fort Wayne where he used his French-Canadian circus stylings to turn the entire show choir world upside down."

It was then that Jean-Baptiste said as he made his way over towards Christian, Blaine and Sam, "Bonjour!" While Christian muttered 'oh, great, now he's speaking in French to us', Jean-Baptiste said, "You must be the New Directions."

Then Jean-Baptiste moved his face closer to Blaine's as he said, "And you... must be Blaine."

With a shake of his head, Blaine asked him, "How did you know my name?"

Jean-Baptiste told him, "Show choir blogs."

It was then that Sam said, "I'm, you know, I'm Sam Evans and I'm the leader of the New Directions." While Christian only rolled his eyes to himself, which resulted in him getting the attention of Jean-Baptiste, who was silently eyeing the seventeen-year-old, Sam told him, "And, you know, I know you guys are all really good and stuff, but that's just gonna get us out of our comfort zones and send us over the top."

With a sigh, Christian said, "Sam, please stop talking. Like, now."

After looking away from Christian, who looked completely and utterly done with Sam at that exact moment, Jean-Baptiste said, "Well, it was really great to meet you, Sam. Best of luck, New Directions. We really can't wait to see your set. And crush you like a bug." As he started to push his way past them, he yelled, "Bye!"

While the rest of Throat Explosion started to walk through the New Directions, Christian sighed to himself before he said, "I am literally so done with you frickin' people."

It wasn't until Throat Explosion was already far enough away from them that Blaine said, "That was tense."

With furrowed eyebrows, Christian replied, "No, it wasn't. It literally wasn't tense. Like, at all."

While some of the others in the New Directions only sighed in response to Christian's words, Mercedes hugged Tina from behind as she said, "Oh, how I missed this show choir high school drama."

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