eighty two | frenemies

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With furrowed eyebrows, Cameron asked Christian, "You're joking, right?" When Christian didn't respond, Cameron said to him, "You have got to be joking

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With furrowed eyebrows, Cameron asked Christian, "You're joking, right?" When Christian didn't respond, Cameron said to him, "You have got to be joking. There's no way she would actually leave after all the time she's spent at this school."

With a shrug of his shoulders, Christian told him, "Well, apparently she is, so..."

Cameron asked him, "Did Gabrielle say why she was going to leave?"

Christian replied, "Well, it's not as if she actually talked to me about leaving. I heard a couple of her friends talking about how she was going to start going to Carmel High in, like, two weeks."

After sighing to himself, Cameron said, "I just don't understand why she'd leave. I mean, this school is where she got accepted, even though her brother was a complete asshole before Karofsky tried to kill himself."

It was then Stephanie, who just so happened to be walking past them at that exact moment, turned around and walked towards them before she said to them, "I know why."

Cameron turned to look at her and asked her, "You do?" When she nodded in response, he asked her, "Why?"

Stephanie told them, "Apparently Bree overheard Gabrielle talking on the phone with her brother after practice one day about how everything had gone downhill from the moment Christian broke up with her. Not only did she have the one boy she loved more than anything dump her, but she was demoted to the bottom of the pyramid and everyone started to treat her like crap. Even though everyone in the glee club cares about her, she just sees no reason to keep going to this school. So she just wants to leave." Then she looked over at Christian and said to him, "I'm sorry to say it, Christian, but your choice of dumping her kind of made things tough for her here."

Instead of responding like he normally would have, Christian remained silent for a couple seconds before he turned his head and looked over at Gabrielle, who was already staring at him with a frown on her face.

It wasn't until Christian simply nodded at her that a small smile made its way onto her face before the smile fell from her face when another Cheerio quickly walked over towards her and started to talk to her about something.

With a sigh, Christian closed his locker and walked over towards the two Cheerios.

It didn't seem as if the young girl was aware that the seventeen-year-old boy was standing behind her until he asked them, "Is there a problem here?"

Then the Cheerio turned around and looked up at Christian, who was staring down at her with narrowed eyes, before she replied, "No problem at all."

Instead of saying anything more to her, Christian stared past her and over at Gabrielle before he asked her, "Smythe, can we go talk in private really quick about something?"

Gabrielle quickly nodded her head before she walked away from the older Cheerio and after Christian, who hadn't looked back at her to see if she was following him.

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