fifty seven | prom-a-saurus

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With a roll of his eyes, Christian propped his head up with a fist underneath his chin as Coach Sylvester said through the intercoms, "Good morning, McKinley High! First of all, to those of you thoughtful enough to leave maternity gifts outside my...

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With a roll of his eyes, Christian propped his head up with a fist underneath his chin as Coach Sylvester said through the intercoms, "Good morning, McKinley High! First of all, to those of you thoughtful enough to leave maternity gifts outside my office, both I and my unborn child thank you for your lackluster Cracker Barrel meat-and-cheese medleys, and I'm sure that my trash can will find them delicious. Now it's time to announce this year's Senior Prom Court nominees. Your choices for Prom King are... Rick 'The Stick' Nelson. President Brittany S. Pierce. That's weird. And also, Finn Hudson. And now on to the category we all really care about: Prom Queen."

It was then that Christian heard Becky Jackson yell, "Becky for Prom Queen 2012!"

There was nothing but silence for a couple of seconds before Coach Sylvester said, "Missy Gunderson. Santana Lopez. And Quinn Fabray. Congratulations to all our nominees..." Then a thud was heard before Coach Sylvester could be heard yelling, "Becky, Becky, Becky! That's an antique!"

Becky replied, "I was robbed, Coach!"

In response, all Christian could do was chuckle in response to the chaos that was going on from inside of the office Coach Sylvester and Becky Jackson were sitting in.

* * *

With a clap of his hands, Mr. Schuester yelled as he entered the choir room, "Okay! A big congrats to all our prom nominees! But, hey, listen up. We are all winners, because Principal Figgins asked New Directions to sing again this year! Come on!"

After Noah said 'fantastic', Christian looked over at him with furrowed eyebrows, while Mr. Schuester said, "Alright. Brittany has an announcement."

As soon as Brittany went to stand in front of the piano, she said to them, "Hello, my fellow Americans. The theme for this year's prom will be... Dinosaurs." While Christian stared at Brittany with furrowed eyebrows, Brittany told them, "I was inspired by the new girl Joe, who reminds me of a cavewoman. The refreshments will be berries, meat and rainwater. As you are no doubt aware, the U.S. elections are riddled with corruption. Therefore, to keep the prom elections completely aboveboard, I have appointed Santana and Quinn to count the ballots."

Kurt replied, "What? That makes no sense."

Santana turned to Kurt and said to him, "Shut it, Richard Simmons. Yes, Quinn's my homegirl, but I don't trust her, and you know she doesn't trust me."

With a nod of her head, Quinn said, "We'll keep each other honest."

It was then that Mercedes said, "You know, it's actually not a bad idea."

Then Brittany told them, "And last but not least, all hair gel has been banned from the prom. And that means you, Christian."

With furrowed eyebrows, Christian said to her, "I don't even wear hair gel."

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