eighty eight | a wedding

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With his eyes closed and his head resting on his arms, Christian said, "Remind me again what the hell we're doing here?"

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With his eyes closed and his head resting on his arms, Christian said, "Remind me again what the hell we're doing here?"

With furrowed eyebrows, Stephanie crossed her arms over her chest before she told him, "We're here because you're one of Santana's best friends and both she and Brittany saw to it that you got invited to their wedding. Why else would we be here?"

Just as Christian was about to respond, he suddenly stopped when he heard a voice ask from behind him, "Dude, what the hell has happened to you in all of the time that I've been gone?"

Then he heard another voice say, "Yeah, I would like to know the answer to that question as well."

It was then that Christian quickly opened his eyes before he turned around just as fast to find himself staring at Cameron Puckerman and Gabrielle Smythe.

And for the first time in an entire year, a wide grin made its way onto the nineteen-year-old's face before he quickly jumped up from his chair and wrapped his arms around both Cameron and Gabrielle, who wrapped their arms around him as well.

It wasn't until he pulled away from them that he asked, "What the hell are you guys doing here?"

Cameron told him, "Well, Puck sent me a text saying that we were both sent an invite to the wedding, so I got on the phone with Gabrielle, who is honestly hating Carmel High and can see just why you hated that school, and convinced her to come with me and surprise you guys."

Just as Christian was about to let his grin widen even more, he suddenly stopped and his grin fell from his face before he asked them, "Wait, but what about Gabrielle? I mean, you weren't even sent an invite. Won't you get kicked out or something?"

With a shake of her head, Gabrielle said, "You don't have to worry about it, Christian. Santana made sure that I would be able to get in and out of here with no trouble whatsoever."

With furrowed eyebrows, Christian asked her, "But why would she do that?"

Gabrielle told him, "Because, Christian, even though you started to hate her after Sylvester disbanded the glee club and forced nearly everyone to transfer to other schools, she still considers you as one of her best friends. She figured that doing this for you would make you feel happy and not have you feel like crap for once during the entire year we've all been gone. So when she gave me a call and said to do whatever it took to get my ass here and make sure you have a kick-ass night at her own wedding, I just knew I had to come here and help you forget how crappy Sue Sylvester made you feel for an entire year."

After sighing to himself, Christian said, "Right." After he looked between Gabrielle and Cameron, he said, "Do me a favor and remind me to thank Santana for that, if I somehow manage to forget."

Cameron replied, "Or you could do us a favor and talk with your friends and make up with them." When Christian's eyebrows started to furrow, Cameron told him, "Christian, they've done nothing but talk to us about how you refuse to talk to them and won't let them in, no matter what they've done to try and make up for practically isolating you for an entire year. They just want to have their technical little brother back to loving them, like you did before Sue Sylvester changed everything once Tina and the others graduated. Literally all they want is to have you back. So, just do us all a favor and talk to them, okay?"

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