Chapter 1- Punishment

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                            "I've had it with your pranks and disrespect"


                                                          Artemis's P.O.V

I walked down the hall, my fingers brushing the cold marble walls. Zeus had called me to the throne room. I was probably going to get a punishment. It seemed like he was always trying to punish me, with every small and big thing i did. Although, this time i had done something a little more extreme. 

My brother Apollo ran towards me. He was a good-looking man, classically handsome. He looked the most innocent out of all the gods and that annoyed him to no ends. "What have you done this time?" he called.

I smirked. I had coated Zeus's toilet seat in toothpaste- The special, extra sticky Olympian kind.

"You'll find out brother, Zeus is probably going to yell" I replied. My friend Lia walked beside me, her soft paws hitting the ground with a soft thump.

It was just so boring in Olympus, there was nothing to do. I hated being a maiden goddess, it was so restrictive. I couldn't even kiss anyone. Meanwhile my brother had fucked so many unlucky woman. Unlucky because he was my brother.

I opened the throne room doors. Zeus, Poseidon and Athena sat on their thrones. All the other gods and goddesses were doing something else.

"You called Zeus" I said, looking down at my feet. The marble floor was suddenly very interesting. I noticed the cracks appearing in the smooth white stone, it was probably because Zeus liked to throw things on the floor when he was having a hissy fit. 

"This morning, I went to the bathroom and sat on my toilet" The Sky god began.

"I don't think I need to know that" I said. Apollo rolled his eyes. 

"You know what I found on my toilet seat?" Zeus asked, his voice raising "Do you?"

"Piss?" I asked, not thinking. As soon as I said it, I regretted it. I could hear that annoying voice inside my head going "you've done it now"

Zeus's face got redder and redder until he looked like a tomato. Sometimes i wondered if he actually identified as a giant tomato. 

"I found toothpaste!" He yelled "And we both know who put it there"

"Sorry" I replied. 

"I've had it with your pranks and disrespect" Zeus screamed, "Last week I found a snake in my bed and this week toothpaste on my toilet!"

"That's like two pranks" I said, brushing my hands through Lia's fur.

"I don't care" He yelled "I'm punishing you"

"ok" I replied unsure. He could do anything, the most likely would be throwing me in a dungeon for a week. Lately though, Zeus had gotten a lot more unpredictable. He screamed at waiters and gods that did nothing to him, it was like he did it for the sake of watching people tremble at his feet. 

"Your becoming mortal until you learn to respect people and become a lady"

"What!" I yelled "You can't do that"

"You'll find full well that I can!" he said. "You will be staying with Calypso"

"You motherfucker" I screamed, as he pointed his lightning bolt at me and Lia.

I felt myself falling through the sky. I could taste the clouds and feel the air rushing beneath me. Slowly, i lost consciousness and was enveloped in darkness. 

I woke up to the sound of monkeys chattering and water rushing. My head hurt. I looked around my surroundings. I was in a wooden hut with jars and jars of eyeballs, live insects and many other interesting things that i suspected related to voodoo. 

"Your awake" A woman said from behind me. I jumped and turned around, trying to find my bow.

The woman had dark skin and her hair was in dreadlocks. She was immensely beautiful in her own way. Her teeth were stained black and she had a silver heart locket around her neck. She looked mysterious and full of secrets. I loved finding out secrets. 

"Who are you?" I asked. "And, where am I?" My dark hair fell in front of my face, as she stared straight into my eyes. It was giving me the heebie jeebies. 

"My name is Calypso but please call my Tia" She replied "You are on earth"

The next couple of weeks were going to be the worst of my very long life. Earth was a place where ladies were treated like toys, like they should be seen and not heard. Men thought that a woman's only purpose in life was the please them and have annoying little children for them to pass their estates and riches too. 

"Am I mortal?" I asked. I pinched my skin and noticed that the slight glow that usually surrounded me was gone. 

"Do you want to find out" She said.  What the hell was this lady thinking? I was not going to try and kill myself to see if i was mortal, not when i could actually kill myself and have to Hades in the underworld. I did not want to do that. Hades smelled like dead bodies and musty old people, fitting considering he was the god of the underworld. 

"Um no thanks" I replied.

"So, you're the goddess of the sea" I said.

Tia nodded.

"Then why aren't you at Olympus with all the other gods and goddesses?" I asked.

"They trapped me in a mortal body" She replied "The brethren court"

"That sucks" I whispered. Lia bounded towards me and licked my face. How did it feel to be trapped in a mortal body all the time? How could she live like that, knowing that she had once been a goddess. I guess i was going to find out.

"You best make yourself comfortable, your going to be here for a while" Tia said.

A/N Sorry if its to short, Its just the starting chapter. Vote and comment what you think, I would love any feedback

Question- What Greek god/goddess would you love to be?

I would love to be Artemis

- Caitlin

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