Chapter 7- The Chest With the Heart

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                               "Everything you said to me, every word was a lie" 


Jack's P.O.V

We reached the island in our longboats. The gentle breeze blew around us and the sandy beach was warm.

"Guard the boat, mind the tides" I ordered Pintel and Ragetti "Don't touch my dirt"

I saw Maia smile and it filled me with joy. Her smile was enchanting, and her beauty was breathtaking. I had become very fond of her over the last couple of days.

I followed Elizabeth and Maia towards the island. Norrington was far behind with the shovel.

Artemis's P.O.V

Elizabeth wrapped her arms around my shoulders. We had become good friends since Tortuga. It was nice to have another woman to talk to.

She looked at the compass and huffed, taking her arm off me.

"It doesn't work" She complained, sitting down on the sand, her face in an agitated pout. "And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most"

Jack peered at the compass. "Yes, it does. Your sitting on it"

She looked at him "Beg pardon?"

"Move" Jack said, shooing her away with his hands.

She quickly moved away as Jack whistled to Norrington to begin digging where she was sitting. I slumped on the sand, my fingers brushing through the soft, hot grains.

Jack sat down beside me and began to meditate.

"Jack" I whispered.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"Why did you become a pirate?"

"I was born into piracy; my dad Captain Teague is a pirate. I love the freedom of being able to do whatever I liked" He replied, his eyes still closed. "How about you love? I don't know much about you"

I smiled. "I also like the freedom of the sea. My uncle used to take me out with my brother, and we'd practice sword fighting and play with the sea creatures"

I chose my words carefully. It was true. Poseidon used to take me and Apollo out to sea. We used to practice sword fighting and archery and of course, we played with the sea creatures.

Norrington began to dig, and I rested my head on Lia. A thump sounded through the air and Jack's eyes shot open.

We all walked towards the hole and peered in it. Inside lay a chest. We brushed the papers, letters and beads away and under all the possessions was another chest. I pressed my ear to the chest, and I heard a faint heartbeat.

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