Chapter 2- The Pirates

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                                               "IS THIS JAR OF DIRT GOING TO HELP?"

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                                               "IS THIS JAR OF DIRT GOING TO HELP?"


Artemis's P.O.V

I sat on the wooden table. I had only been here for a few days and I could see why Tia liked it here.

The jungle was calming, and I loved it already.

I looked up as a man with dark dreadlocks and a moustache walked in. He was handsome but I didn't let that fool me. Men shouldn't be trusted.

"Who are you" He asked, puzzled. His eyes scanned my body quickly and I glared at him.

"Um My name is Art- Maia" I replied "I'm a friend of Tia Dalma's"

A couple more men walked in. I rolled my eyes. Why did I always have to be surrounded by boys? I didn't want to be a maiden goddess but that still didn't mean I liked the male species.

Tia suddenly appeared in the room. She looked at the man with dreadlocks and said "Ah Jack, I always knew the wind was going to blow you back to me one day"

So, his name was Jack. Simple but easy to remember.

Then she looked past Jack and saw another man. He had longish dark hair.

"You.... You have a touch of destiny about you, William Turner."

"You know me?" The man, who I assumed was called Will asked. He looked confused.

"You want to know me" Tia replied. I smirked.

Jack rushed up to them and said, "There will be no knowing here. We've come for help and were not leaving without it"

He accompanied Tia to the table I was sitting at. He looked disappointed. "I thought I knew you" he muttered.

"Not as well as I had hoped"" Tia replied.

Lia ran into the room and barked.

"Bloody hell! Is that a wolf?" Jack yelped.

"Yeah!" I said, "You scared?"

"Of course, not" Jack responded, looking down.

"What service may I do you? You know I demand payment." Tia said.

"I brought payment" Jack replied.

A man with a wooden eye handed Jack a cage with a monkey in it. Jack took out his pistol gleefully and shot the creature. The bullet had no effect.

"Look. An undead monkey. Top that" Jack said.

Tia lifted the lid of the cage and the monkey shot out.

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