Chapter 8- Jar of Dirt

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Not a gif for ya today but an amazing song. Listen to it when Jack starts singing lmao

                                                      " I got a Jar of dirt, I got a Jar of dirt"



Artemis's P.O.V

I awoke to Jacks face peering over me.

"You ok?" he asked, his eyes shining with a feeling that I didn't know.

Everywhere hurt. I guess I should have expected that after falling out of a tree.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked softly.

"Your wolf came to get me"

I rubbed Lia's fur affectionately she licked me. "Thank you, Lia,"

Jack pulled me to my feet as the sound of pounding footsteps reached our ears.

"Run, love" he yelled.

"Already am" I replied, running like my life depended on it. Which sadly it did.

We ran towards the boat, Jack screamed "jar of dirt". He grabbed the jar from the boat and brought something out from his shirt. It was the heart.

Davy Jones's henchmen ran at us and we surrounded the boat

"Not good" I muttered "shit, shit. Shit"

Then I remembered Poseidon had sent me my bow and arrows. I smirked.

"Hey guys" I yelled "remember me?"

They all shook their heads. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on!" I said "I was the one who shot your friends down from the trees"

By now everyone was staring at me.

The Henchmen all glared at me. "I shot you down with this..." I reached behind my back for my bow, but my hand found empty air. "Fuck" I muttered.

Then I saw Lia, with my bow and quiver full of arrows in her mouth.

"God, I love you Lia" I whispered, stroking her fur.

Suddenly a wheel came rolling out the jungle, carrying Will and Norrington with it. Poor them.

The wheel rolled into the water and fell on its side. Will and Norrington climbed out of the wheel, looking extremely dizzy. They stumbled around for a bit, attempting to walk it off but fell into the water.

I laughed but then clapped my hand over my mouth.

Norrington ran to the boat and grabbed the booklet of letters. I heard footsteps behind me and nocked an arrow, turning around and nearly shooting Elizabeth in the chest. She glowered at me. "Sorry Liz, I thought you were a fish thing"

I shot as many henchmen as I could, then I grabbed one and held him tight. "Give Davy Jones a message for me, will you?" I whispered in his ear "Tell him I'll personally make sure he burns in hell when he dies and also tell him to fuck off"

Then I shoved the hybrid into the water, and he groaned. I smirked.

I saw Jack smack Will over the head with an oar, making him fall unconscious into the boat.

I rolled my eyes "Wow Jack"

Elizabeth ran towards him, but Jack shouted "Leave him! Unless you plan on using him to hit something with"

Again, I rolled my eyes but this time with amusement.

We became surrounded by the crew of Davy Jones.

"We're not getting out of this one" I sighed.

"Not with the chest" Norrington said "into the boat"

He reached into the boat and grabbed the chest.

"Are you fucking mad" I asked.

"Ladies don't swear" Norrington added

"Shut up, I'm not a lady" I muttered

"Don't wait for me" He said, running off with the hybrid sea creatures following him.

"I say we respect his final wish" Jack said.

"Yep" I replied, and we ran towards the ship.


We climbed back onto the Black Pearl just as Will woke up.

"Where's the Commodore?" Gibbs asked.

"He fell behind" Jack said, hugging his jar of dirt to his chest.

"My prayers be with him. Best not wallow in our grief" Gibbs said. Then more joyfully he added "The bright side is you're back and made it off free and clear"

Then the we heard water breaking against the ship. I turned around and saw the Flying Dutchman sailing beside us.

"not so sure we made it off free and clear Mr. Gibbs" I muttered.

Gibbs eyes went wide with fear.

I went to stand beside Jack.

"What the hell are we going to do Jack?"

"I'll handle this" Jack promised.

He swaggered up to the edge of the boat and called out " oi, fish face"

He lifted the jar of dirt above his head and said "lose something? Eh? Scungilli"

He swaggered down the boat sideways, confidence practically flew around him. He fell down the steps onto the deck and I groaned, imaging the pain of embarrassment.

He lifted the jar and yelled "got it, then he stood up and "Come to negotiate eh, have you? Slimy git? Look what I got"

He strutted down the deck and started to sing "I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt (A/N Literally my fav part of the whole movie lmao")

The crew looked at each other in confusion, but I only smirked. Jack and his childish antics.

Jack skipped down the deck joyfully, reminding me of Apollo- sometimes HE did that.

"Guess what's inside it" Jack sang, ending his song.

Jones continued to yell at his crew before the cannons slid out of the Dutchmen and pointed at us.

"I never doubted you Jack" I mumbled, staring at the cannons pointing at us.

"Thanks love" Jack replied, with a small, worried smile.



Question- What thing, if you were a pirate could you not live without?

My answer- either my jar of dirt or my other jar of dirt

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this chapter <3

- Caitlin or Cate ( whatever ya'll wanna call me)

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