Chapter 4- Tortuga

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"I would slap you, but that would be called animal abuse"

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"I would slap you, but that would be called animal abuse"


Artemis's P.O.V

Zeus towered over me as I glared at his face.

"You will NOT go will those pirates" He hissed.

"Yes, I will" I hissed back.

"You will not learn to respect people or become a lady with them."

"My mother was a pirate" I said "You must've liked pirates then"

"Arrgh" The sky god yelled "Your worthless"

I looked at him in shock and hurt. He realized what he had said, and his face softened. But I didn't want to hear it.

I ran out of the room; he was still shouting for me to come back.

Calling one of the 12 Olympians (Which I was a part of) Worthless was really bad.

Like Think of the worst word to call someone and it was worse than that.

I ran towards my mother's room. Leto was one of the few reasons I stayed at Olympus.

"How are you sweetheart?" My mother was beautiful, some say I look just like her. We both have long dark hair and bright eyes.

"Have you heard?" I asked her softly.

"I did" she nodded, stroking my hair.

I nestled my face in her neck and we just sat like that, knowing we could only be like this if I was sleeping.

"I love you mum" I whispered.

"I love you to sweetie"

I felt myself being pulled back into the mortal world.

Jack was standing over me. "You were thrashing in your sleep love"

"Dream" I muttered.

We were docked outside the pirate port. I had never been here, but I already hated it.

Drunken laughter was heard even from the ship. Mindless shouting and getting dragged out the tavern door was apparently the norm here.

The tavern was crowded with drunk men and woman. It was Gibb's job to interview people to join us on the Black Pearl.

Jack and I sat alongside the wall. We could hear everything from Gibb's table.

"I know what I want, I know what I want..." Jack muttered agitatedly.

A man walked over to me, his eyes going up and down my body. Jack was to busy with his compass to notice.

"Hey girl, wanna go back to my house and have a little fun?" The drunk man asked.

"No thanks" I muttered. But he didn't get the hint. He tried to grab me. Lia growled at him.

"If I throw a stick, will you leave?" I asked impatiently.

I saw Jack smirk.

"No" The drunk man said "I want you, and I want you now"

"I would slap you, but that would be called animal abuse" I replied. He once again tried to grab me. "Never mind" I muttered. Then I slapped the living daylights out of him.

"I do not want to get on your bad side" Jack smirked.

"Good" I said, smiling.

"How are we going?" He asked, looking at Gibbs.

"Including those four, that gives us... four" Gibbs said.

Jack began shaking his compass in frustration. A man walked up to Gibbs. He wore a dark cloak, a dirty hat and a mangled grey wig.

"...I Chased a man across the seven seas" The man began. I sat up, listening intently. "The pursuit cost me my crew, my commission and my life"

"Commodore?" Gibbs asked.

"Not anymore" The man spat. This was getting interesting. "Weren't you listening? I nearly had you all of Tripoli"

Jack slowly leaned against the wall and grabbed a nearby plant to block his face from the man's view. I smiled at him, his antics were truly amusing.

"I would have, if not for the hurricane" The dirty man continued.

"Lord" Gibbs said, "You didn't try to sail through it?"

"Who the hell would sail through a hurricane" I muttered. When Zeus was angry, they were particularly bad

"So, do I make your crew or not?" He asked, taking Gibb's bottle of rum. "You haven't said where your going. Somewhere nice?" He threw the table out of the way and I glared at him.

"And you haven't said where you got that wig from" I retorted "Somewhere like the Dump?"

"I'll have you know" The man began but I cut in "Shut up"

By now an audience had gathered around the man. The music even stopped. The dirty man opened his arms and asked "So am I worthy to serve under Captain Jack Sparrow"

I looked over to where Jack was sitting. He had vanished. I rolled my eyes as I spotted him hiding behind the leaf.

The dirty man cocked his gun and pointed it at Jack.

"Or should I kill you now?" He finished.

"If you kill him, my wolf will personally hunt you down and kill you" I warned.

Jack looked at him between the leaves and looked behind the pole on the other side. He continued going back and forth with the dirty man's gun following him.

Jack finally stopped and said "You're hired"

"Sorry, Old habits and all that" The dirty man said. He didn't put the gun down.

"That's our captain you're threatening" One of the new crew member said. He grabbed the dirty man's wrist and deflected the pistol upwards as it fired.

I followed Jack as he scurried away.

The gun went off and hit a candle. I could hear everyone fighting in the tavern.

Jack ran over to Gibbs and said "Time to go"

"Aye" Gibbs replied.

We ran through the crowd, which was nearly impossible. Everyone was fighting. Pirates were hanging from chandeliers and bottles were being smashed, the glass shards flying everywhere.

We headed up the stairs. Jack was grabbing random people's hats and trying them on. A dish flew towards my head and I ducked.

Jack took the hat off another drunk pirate who was sitting on the edge of the balcony. "Thanks mate" he said, then shoved the pirate over the side. I smirked.

Jack took the hat off and halted. Two men were carrying another drunk man. He placed the hat on the pirate's head and waved. " Carry on" The men yelled as they tossed the man over the railing towards the fighting mass below.


Question- If you were a demigod, who would you like to be your godly parent?

I think I'd want Poseidon as mine

- Caitlin

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