Chapter 6- Feelings

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                                                        I disagree with my brother

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                                                        I disagree with my brother.


Artemis's P.O.V

I stared out at the crystal blue ocean. I felt more at home on the sea than I felt at Olympus. It was funny because I was the goddess of the hunt, but I like the ocean better than woodlands.

"Will was working for Beckett and never said a word" Gibbs said "He only wants the compass. Only one reason for that''

I overheard their conversation and butted in "Whose Beckett"

"Only one the most vile and evil man on the planet" Elizabeth said. Jack made a face.

"Of course," Jack said suddenly "He wants the chest"
"He did say something about a chest" Elizabeth agreed.

"If the company controls the chest, they control the sea" Gibbs said.

"Actually, Poseidon controls the sea'' I muttered

"Are you one of those people that believe in the Greek gods?" Gibbs asked.

"Calypso's real" I replied "So the others must be as well" I really want tell Gibbs I'm Artemis and prove it so I can wipe that disbelieving look off his face.

"A truly discomforting notion" Jack said, referring to the Beckett conversation.

"And bad" Gibbs added, "Bad for every mother's son what calls himself pirate. I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails." He ran off shouting "Brace the foreyard"

Jack and Elizabeth stayed up on the helm, still talking about the papers. Jack took them.

Dolphins were swimming beside the ship. I smiled; the sea was really a beautiful place. One of the dolphins had a note tied it her fin. My smile dropped from my face. Just great.

The dolphin jumped and the note fluttered to the ship's deck. I grabbed it and quickly walked towards the sleeping section of the ship. Everyone was upstairs.

The note had the crest of Poseidon on it. I sighed.

Dear Artemis

Zeus has become aware that you are not following his rules. He wants you to become a proper lady. I disagree with my brother. Your fighting spirit and determination are good traits to have.

My brother does not know that I am writing to you. You will always be safe at sea and just remember that.

I appreciate you saying I rule the sea to that seaman but right now, it's getting harder and harder to control it without Calypso at my side. Just like Zeus needs the four winds- Boreas the North-Wind, Zephryos the West, Notos the South, and Euros the East to control his domain, I need the sea goddess to control mine.

The sea monsters are rebelling. Davy Jones is a lost cause, he will never to the duty that was assigned to him again.

If you could release Calypso from her human bonds, the sea will be free again.

These pirates you've been staying with, make sure they don't know who you really are. Also, I suspect one of them has developed feeling for you.

Sincerely Poseidon, god of the sea

I smiled, who would like me? I was just a boring mortal girl with dreams of adventure. I wasn't Artemis, goddess of the hunt and wild animals anymore.

"Maia?" A familiar voice said. "Are you down here?"

I spun around and shoved the note into my pocket. "Um yes" I replied. For some reason there was an unfamiliar feeling in my heart. Like it was fluttering. I found myself blushing when I looked at Jack's handsome face.

"Were going to get the chest now" He told me.


What was that feeling in my heart? Why did I smile so much when Jack was near? Why did colour creep into my cheeks when he looked at me? Why did I feel like I wanted to kiss him?

Then I realized. I had developed feeling for Captain Jack Sparrow


Hi guys

Question-  Who is your favourite POTC character?

Mine are Jack, Tia Dalma and Elizabeth

- Caitlin <3

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