Chapter 5- The Burner of Rum

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                                                 "My compass

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                                                 "My compass... is unique"


Artemis's P.O.V

We were walking down the boardwalk towards the ship. Jack was steering clear of Lia.

I was deep in thought. Zeus was wrong. I wasn't worthless. And I would prove it.

Suddenly someone called "Captain Sparrow"

"Come to join me crew, lad? Welcome aboard" Jack called over his shoulder.

"I'm here to find the man I love" the person said. I turned around and I saw a woman. I smiled, finally I wasn't going to be surrounded by men.

Jack froze. He looked shocked. "I'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea." Jack made a gesture to Gibbs to not let her on the ship.

I rolled my eyes. "It's a woman Jack"

"Meaning William Turner. Captain Sparrow" The woman said.

Jack turned and saw her face. "Elizabeth" He turned to Gibbs and muttered "Hide the Rum"

So, she was Elizabeth Swann, burner of rum.

I smirked; rum was a vile drink. I would have done the same.

"I know Will came to find you. Where is he?" She asked.

"Darling, I am truly unhappy to have to tell you this, but..." Jack sighed "Through an unfortunate and entirely unforeseeable series of circumstances that had nothing whatsoever to do with me.. Poor Will had been press-ganged into Davy Jones's Crew"

It had everything to do with you" I muttered quietly, only Jack heard me. He shot me a look.

"Davy Jones?" Elizabeth asked.

The dirty man, who Jack told me was called James Norrington threw up into the water.

I grimaced. At Olympus, nobody was ever sick. "Get away from me" I hissed at Norrington "You smell bad"

"You're not supposed to be here" Norrington replied "You're just a pretty lady. Sit still and don't talk"

One thing I hated more than anything was somebody saying I was just a pretty lady and nothing more

"I would slap you, but shit splatters." I remarked angrily. "And I don't wanna touch you"

Jack laughed but stopped when Norrington glared at him.

"Oh please. The Captain of the Flying Dutchman?" Norrington said.

Jack looked at him with disgust "You look bloody awful. What are you doing here?"

"You hired me. I can't help it if your standards are lax"

"You smell funny" Jack remarked.

I smirked. Was that all he could come up with?

''Jack" Elizabeth said impatiently.


"All I want is to find Will" She replied.

"Well... are you certain?" He asked. '' is that what you really want most?"

"Of course," She said confidently.

''Because I would think you'd want to find a way to save Will most" Jack replied.

"And you'd have a way of doing that?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah Jack, How are we going to save Will considering you se- "I stopped, because Jack was glaring at me.

"A chest of unknown size and origin" Jack told us.

Pintel and Ragetti walked by, carrying a crate of rum. They overheard our conversation.

"What contains the still-beating heart of Davy Jones" Pintel said.

"And whoever possesses that chests possesses the leverage to command Jones to do whatever it is he or she wants. Including saving brave William from his grim fate" Jack continued.

I couldn't command Jones to do anything. He still treated me with respect though. Only Zeus, Poseidon, Calypso in her goddess form and Athena could tell him what to do.

"You don't actually believe him, do you?" Norrington asked.

I looked at him in annoyance and disgust "I'm busy right now, can we all ignore you another time?"

He huffed and Elizabeth snickered. "He's telling the truth" I added. "Jack is"

Elizabeth smiled at me and nodded. We waited for Elizabeth's answer before she asked, "How do we find this chest?"

Jack out a finger up and grabbed the compass, showing it off to Elizabeth. "With this" He opened it and shut it. "My compass... is unique"

"Unique here having the meaning of broken" Norrington said, like he knew everything.

I sighed; this man was so frustrating.

"I could agree with you Norrington, but then we'd both be wrong" I muttered.

Norrington glared at me than staggered towards the rail and threw up again. The man needs to seriously stop drinking. His filthy stomach can't handle all the alcohol.

"Where does it point?" Elizabeth asked.

Jack stepped a little closer to her and said "It points to the thing you want most in the world"

"Oh Jack" Elizabeth said in disbelief. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Every word" Jack reassured, he set the compass in her hand. "What you want most in this world is to find the chest of Davy Jones, is it not?"

"To save Will" Elizabeth corrected.

"By finding the chest of Davy Jones" Jack said, He opened the compass and quickly backed away, leaving Elizabeth with the compass.

Lia pressed against me as two men came towards us, each carrying a knife.

"Hello little lady, mind giving us your beautiful dog?" one slurred.

"Nope" I replied "Fuck off before my dog eats you"

They ran away in fear and I smirked. When I turned around Jack was peering over at the compass.

"Mr Gibbs!" he said.

"Captain" Mr. Gibbs said, walking over to us.

Jack smiled at me, and then him " We have our heading"


Hi ya'll

Question- What wild animal would you most like as a pet?

I would love to have a pet cheetah lmao

- Caitlin

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