Chapter 3- Davy Jones

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                                                    " One hundred souls, three days"

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                                                    " One hundred souls, three days"


Artemis's P.O.V

The Black Pearl sat just offshore in the wild storm. The waves crashed against the rocks and the wind blew strong.

Me and Jack had developed a strong friendship over the three days that I had been with the pirates. He was quite a lovely man once you got to know him.

A wrecked ship sat on the rocks. Apparently, that was the Flying Dutchman. My mother had told me and Apollo many stories and I remembered that Davy Jones was supposed to ferry lost souls to the next world but didn't do his duty.

"That's the Flying Dutchman?" Will asked. "She doesn't look like much"

"Neither do you" I muttered, while the rain poured down on us.

I had learned that the Bearded man was called Gibbs, the short man was called Pintel and that the wooden eyed man was called Ragetti.

I saw Jack elbow Gibbs and the man immediately said "Must've run afoul on the reef"

"So, what's your plan, then?" Jack asked Will.

"I row over, search the ship until I find your bloody key" Will replied.

"And if there are any crewman?" Jack asked.

"I cut down anyone in my path" Will answered bravely as he walked towards the longboat,

Yeah right, he will.

"I like it, simple, easy to remember" Jack nodded.

I shot him a look. Jack smiled innocently at me and I rolled my eyes. If the tales were true, then Will might be walking into a trap.

Will climbed down the longboat.

"Oi! If you do happen to get captured, just say Jack Sparrow sent you to settle his debt. It might save your life!" Jack called out to him.

Will rowed off towards the wrecked ship, with only a lantern guiding his way.

"Douse the lamps" Jack said quickly to Gibbs, who ran off to do just that. Without the light, The Black Pearl would be entirely invisible in the dark night.

"Are you sure that's the Flying Dutchman?" I asked Jack, sceptical.

"Yes Love" he replied.

Suddenly a giant ship emerged from the watery depths of the ocean, near the wrecked ship. The monstrous crew members boarded the ship and killed any survivors of the wreckage.

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