Chapter 9- Betrayal

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                                                         "Loosing you is my worst fear"


Artemis's P.O.V

Jack's smile flew from his face, he whimpered "Hard to Starboard"

"hard to starboard" I yelled to the crew, glaring at the octopus that was Davy Jones.

Gibbs began desperately steering the ship away from the Dutchman. Cannonballs began flying at us and wrecking the ship.

"Stop blowing holes in my ship" Jack screamed, frantically waving his arms about.

I sighed and looked over the side of the boat, a cannonball narrowly missing my head.

"She's on us! She's on us" Pintel yelled as Jack took over the steering wheel.

"She's falling behind" Elizabeth yelled.

"Aye" Gibbs said, looking victorious "we've got her"

"Were the faster?" Will asked.

"How?" Elizabeth asked, watching the shape of the great ship behind us.

"Against the wind, the Dutchman beats us. That's how she takes her prey. But with the wind..." I explained, trailing off.

"We rob her advantage" Will finished.

"Exactly" Gibbs said, he looked impressed at my knowledge. I smirked.

"They're giving up" Ragetti called.

Everyone except Jack and I cheered and some started dancing. I knew Davy Jones wouldn't give up that easily.

Will approached Jack "My father's on that ship. If we can outrun her, we can take her. We should turn and fight"

I rolled my eyes, stupid boy

I saw a fin in the water as a dolphin shot out, a letter in its mouth. I took the letter and ripped the paper open.

The crest of Poseidon sat on the crisp page.

Dear Artemis

Its coming, the thing Jack fears. The Kraken. I can only stop it for so long


Oh shit.

"Fuck" I whispered "I got to warn them"

Suddenly there was a massive jolt that went through the ship. The crew all fell. I gripped the railing and looked up at the sky shouting "Nice knowing you Zeus, I fucking hate you"

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