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Miranda was relaxed at work the whole week, thanks to the therapist.

It was Saturday and not to rush her life away but she wanted Monday to get here quickly so she could get up on that table, lay back and allow him to take her to a land of unspeakable treasure.

Ben thought about Miranda all week long. Her face, her body, her loud stern voice and most certainly the way she tasted. She was addicting and it all started with the way she talked and carried her self. This was all so new to him. Thinking about someone this way. He even had a dream about her

Sitting at the park after their jog drinking water.

"What are you thinking about?" Knox asked noticing Ben being distracted and not answering his questions.

"Huh?" Ben asked

"I asked if you wanted to go to the bar to watch the game tomorrow or come to my house or I come to yours but you are so distracted, so what is it?" Knox asked.

"Uh...it's one of my patients." Ben said smiling sheepishly.

"And you like her? Well who is she?" Knox questioned.

"You know I don't disclose patient confidentiality." Ben started " and I don't know if I like her but the attraction is strong as hell." Ben said thinking. He already knew that Miranda worked with him and he didn't want anyone to know her business friend or not.

"How long has she been coming to you?"

"3 times so far but she's different from the other patients. So complex and unique and beautiful and hard headed and stubborn and sexy." Ben said biting his lips.

"Why don't you just ask her out?"

"Because I'm her therapist." Ben said in a duh tone.

"Ask her out and say that you want to get to know her on a personal level."

"That's the thing. I already am doing that." Ben replied.

"You know what I mean Warren. Not on a professional patient and doctor level. Relationship wise" Knox responded.

"What woman would want to be with some one who gives women orgasm everyday of his life?"

"I mean you could always go back to being an anesthesiologist."

"Nah. I'm good. I wanted to do something out of the box." Ben stated.

"Well do you ever see yourself settling down?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"So this woman perhaps you are just sexually attracted to her. These other women are boring and she's new and different. Eventually that will fade too."

"Yeah you're right maybe that's what it is." Ben voiced.

"So, my house or yours?"

"I can come to yours. I'm going to go see Curt so you are closer to him." Ben replied.

Monday was finally here and Miranda was sitting in the lobby waiting for her session.

This time Miranda put on a navy blue wrap dress with black heels.

"Dr. Bailey the doctor will see you now." The secretary said as she did last week.

"Good afternoon doctor." Miranda greeted cheerfully.

"Good afternoon Ms. Bailey." Ben greeted watching her grab a blindfold before moving to the table.

"How was your week in three words?"

"Long, stressful and Okay. " Miranda told him.

"Give me two events for each word. That lead to the outcome of this week."

"Long: I worked overnight on Monday and then doubled backed on Tuesday because it was a 7 car accident. Stressful: my soon to be ex husband is fighting me for full custody of my son. Then he doubles back and wants alimony. He has loss his dam mind. Okay: my son is nailing his small words and he finally says mommy clearly and then Sunday was okay because I knew I would be coming to see you." Miranda informed biting her lip.

Ben bit his own excited that she thought about him to.

"I’m glad I made your week okay." Ben told her as he rubbed her leg, appreciating her outfit.

"So let's start with High-school. Tell me your experience." Ben said as he rubbed her calfs up and down.

"Um I was basically a nerd. I was shy and I played in the band. I was in my books for the most part because..." Miranda started thinking.

"Because it was comforting. Especially with you not being able to do much as a child. Reading took you off the porch and anywhere you wanted to go. So it became your norm." Ben finished.

"Exactly." Miranda replied.

"Any crushes despite being shy."

" Uh yeah just one. It was stupid though."

"Stupid how?" Ben questioned.

"I was a band geek and he was the star track and football player." Miranda answered.

Ben nodded already knowing where this story would go. "Tell me the story." Ben encouraged as his hand creeped up her dress, rubbing her inner thighs, making her insides melt.

"He needed help tutoring, so I helped him. I spent all my days after school that I didn't have band practice helping him with math, chemistry, French and anything else. I even did his work and projects if he was too busy with football and after all that time I spent helping him you would think he would ask me to home coming. But he didn't. I was good enough for homework and projects but nothing further." Miranda stated and he hated that young Miranda went through this.

Ben swiped his finger over her panty cover clit repeatedly making Miranda moan.

"Not connecting with anyone as a child didn't allow you to build up your self worth and come out of your shell. You developed a people pleaser personality." Ben told her as he pulled her purple lace panties to the side.

"I don't think I was a people pleaser. I just wanted to be good and the best I can be at everything and I still want to." Miranda responded moaning at the feel of his fingers.

"Of course you still have that now. That’s mostly what everyone wants but pleasing yourself and pleasing others is different and people pleaser has good and bad qualities." Ben said as he rubbed around rubbing his fingers in her wetness and licking his lips.

"We all need safety, certainty and connection in our lives, but we go about it in different ways. We overemphasize some parts of our personality and hide others based on what tends to be most acceptable, especially while growing up. It is an adaptive strategy we use in order to get these core needs met and Ms. Bailey, this is not a character flaw, about being deceitful, or about being fake."

Miranda blushed listening, he was building a fire up in her vagina with his constant touching. She was ready for him to place those gifted fingers inside of her. She knew he felt her dripping wet but he just wanted to tease and then it dawned on her that he didn't have any gloves on and that made more wetness seep out.

Ben continued, "Unfortunately, though, you should have recognized before that this healthy strategy can be taken too far and cause more problems than it solves.  The people-pleasing strategy relies on over-emphasizing the nice, giving and supportive of others part of you. A typical people pleaser can become a chameleon who’s always fitting themselves into the situation at hand and the company they’re with. People pleasing has a lot of good intentions behind it, but it also has some uglier downsides like Becoming overly-sensitive to rejection, basing your self-worth on what you do for others, feeling like you are losing a sense of who you are and what you want, and having a hard time finding your voice. I have found that most people who struggle with this type of pattern are often very sincere, empathic and warm-hearted people but grew older and became a tough cookie with a stern persona."

Miranda wanted to roll her eyes. He always knew something but for the love of God she wish he would stop with the teasing.

"You want more?" Ben asked still rubbing her very sensitive and swollen clit. Miranda moaned and nodded her head.


"Yes!" Miranda moaned loudly and urgently. Ben smiled at her

Ben took his two fingers that were fully coated with her essences and he stuck them into his mouth. He moaned at her taste and cleaned his fingers by swiping them with his tongue.

Taking his wet fingers out and then placing them back down at her center.

Miranda spread her legs a little more as Ben slipped his finger into her and Miranda arched her back moaning. Ben bent to kiss her stomach and used his other free hand to caress her breast.

He began to slowly move his finger in and out repeatedly. Ben used his thumb to rub her clit and curved his finger repeatedly. Miranda moaned as Ben added a second finger, she was unbelievably tight. He then curved his two fingers again, using a come here motion.

Miranda like last time gripped his arm. "Oh god." Miranda moaned as her breath panted.

"What age did you get married?" Ben asked.

"18 about to turn 19." Miranda answered.

"Hmmm humor me for a moment. Ms. Bailey." Ben said and Miranda nodded her head.

"Your ex husband played sports in college." Ben asked

"Yeah football and soccer." Miranda answered.

"And he approached you needing help studying." Ben added.

"Mmhmmm." Miranda agreed moaning.

"And this time because he actually asked you out. You went for it. Because here was a football star, That you thought had no business interested in you, a nerd. Not that I'm calling you a nerd, and in college you did whatever you could to make him happy, including marrying him at a young age despite the fact that you didn't even want to settle down until after you graduated college, like most people but You did it for him and for your mother. So she would feel better about you moving hours away. You wanted to please your now husband all the time in fear of rejection and getting broken up with until the new Miranda with self-worth and love realized that you couldn't bend on your dreams to please him. Your Marriage or career… You realized that it wasn't love anymore it was control and security. If you think deep and think about now. If your husband were to approach you and asked you on a date with everything you know now. You would have never gave him the time of day because he wasn't right for you but sadly hind sight is 20/20." Ben explained and Miranda knew he hit it right on the nose.

It was weird to actually have someone put your past and things right before you.

Ben was persistently rubbing her clit and her gspot. He felt her clenching around his fingers. " now that I have gave you insight on what happened. There is only I want you to do next." Ben stated.


"Cum for me Miranda." Ben said sternly commanded.

Miranda saw stars behind her eyes and she clawed at Ben's hand. She felt her juices gush out to coat his hand and Miranda's toes curled as her body jerked and spasmed on the table. He gave her yet again one of the most satisfying orgasms.

Miranda breathed In and out trying to catch her breath as she licked her thick lips. Ben was hard just looking at her.

"Dam." Miranda moaned as her body still tingled. "Hhow do you do this and not be turned on?" Miranda asked stumbling over her words.

"Who said I wasn't." Ben responded lustfully and this made Miranda moan as Ben started moving his finger in and out of her again.

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