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Miranda woke up and she walked across the hall to Tuck's room. "Good morning my 'son'shine." Miranda greeted sitting down on his bed to wake him.

"Mommy." Tuck said sleepily.

"Hey baby. You ready to get up and eat breakfast and then we can get dressed for daycare." Miranda asked and she watched as he shook his head no. Her baby was not that much of a morning person. Miranda chuckled.

"Well you have to, so you can learn and play with the other kids." Miranda said and she leaned down and kissed his head to before tickling him.

She pulled him up and then she sat in the kitchen with him as she made pancakes along with cutting up fruit.

Miranda dropped Tuck off for daycare and then she walked to go change into her scrubs. Her phone vibrated and she smiled.

Ben: Good Morning.

Miranda texted back good morning and nothing could hide the smile on her face.
Ben: I was hopping you were free for dinner tonight?

Miranda thought about her schedule and she knew she had something from 5 but that would only take an hour.

Miranda: Depending on the time. I'm free after 6.

Ben: so will 7 be OK ?

Miranda: 7 is fine. You want to just pick me up from the hospital?"

Ben: Did you want to go home and change? We are just going out to eat but I know I didn't ask you before you left for work so...

Miranda: I wore jeans and a blouse to work with sandals... does that fit your standard Mr. Warren?

Ben: perfectly fine for where we were going and it's you that make the outfits so I'm sure I would love you in anything.

Miranda bit her lip as she read the message. Miranda: Okay great and you are too kind Dr....Anything?

Ben: just stating facts Dr. Bailey....anything!

Miranda: Byeee, I'll se you at 7"

Ben: I look forward to it. Have a great day.

Miranda: you 2

Miranda put her phone in her pocket and she walked into the hallway.

"You're happy this morning. Very in fact, what’s up with you?" Callie asked.

"Oh nothing." Miranda hummed.

"Is it the anesthesiologist or the therapist?"

"Uh stop saying that. I told you that there is no feeling for the therapist however it was the anesthesiologist." Miranda chastised.

"Oh he's here? Did he bring you coffee?"

"No, he's taking me out to dinner at 7 tonight." Miranda said blushing.

"Oh go Bailey. Good job for getting back on the horse. So now tell me about this horse of a Therapist."

Miranda looked at Callie and rolled her eyes as Callie laughed elbowing her playfully.

"Girl let me tell you about this dam doctor." Miranda said. "So he had me standing."


"Standing." Miranda repeated. "Like this." Miranda said dropping her pen so she wouldn’t look stupid as she bent over to get it, but showing Callie the position.

"Ohhh dammmm " Callie awed.

"Exactly." Miranda commented.

Later that evening Miranda was done and it was 6 o'clock. She was getting ready to go freshen up when her pager went off 911.

"Damit." Miranda sighed upset. She knew she was going to have to reschedule with Ben.

Miranda read the page and saw that a young boy had a shattered kidney.

Miranda groaned and pulled out her phone to text Ben.

Miranda: Benjamin I am so sorry to do this but, I have to reschedule, a 911 came in and I have to do this surgery.

She waited for over 3 minutes for his reply.

Ben: It's okay Miranda, I understand. We can reschedule. I'll always be able to reschedule with you.

Miranda actually smiled reading his message.

Miranda: Okay I will make it up to you.

Ben: I look forward to it. How about call me when you get home and that will make it up to me

Miranda: Okay. I can do that. I will talk to you later. They are trying to get this patient stable enough for surgery.

Ben sighed, he was looking forward to this date with Miranda, he then picked up his phone to call Ashton.

"Warren." Knox said answering.

"Knox, what are you doing?" Ben asked.

"I just got called in to do this surgery with Bailey." Knox sighed.

"Can I fill in for you?" Ben asked quickly.

"Hell yeah you can and dam you sure do like her, If you would go to work to just be around her. " Knox said happily.

"I really do." Ben commented.

"Who would have ever thought that Ben Warren would fall for the Nazi." Knox laughed.

"I never foresaw any of this happening but I'm so infatuated with her." Ben sighed. He didn't know if he was thinking with his head or the head of his penis but both of them wanted her.

Ben arrived at Seattle Grace and he had a bouquet of sunflowers with light pink roses. She was different so he wanted to get her something different.

He sat her flowers down in the attending’s lounge and wrote her name on the card before changing into his scrubs, he also brought a 21 questions book and a riddle me this book, so they could still do something interesting while in the o.r.

He then walked to the o.r. board to find which o.r. they were in and he sat down and began preparing

"What are you doing here?!" Miranda asked shocked.

"I'm here for our O.R. Date." Ben informed in a duh tone.

"Benjamin Warren." Miranda gasped happily. " If I didn't want to rescrub I would hug you for being so sweet." Miranda added.

" Don't worry I'll just take one after." Ben smiled and Miranda laughed " I bet you would."

Miranda stood and she called out for a 10 blade as she began to make the incision.
Ben watched Miranda work for a while before he pulled out his two books and showed her.

Miranda read the covers and she smiled. "Ohhh riddle me this. Let's do that first." Miranda cheesed even though he couldn't see her smile.

Ben smiled and opened the book. "Oh you are book smart for sure but see If you can crack these." Ben teased.

" Riddle me this ... I can be written, I can spoken, I can be exposed, I can be broken. What am I."

Miranda looked his direction and she repeated the words thinking. "I want to say promises because they can be written, spoken, you can expose them. I think and they can be broken " Miranda answered.

"Is that your final answer?" Ben asked.

"Yeah I'ma stick with my gut " Miranda answered.

"It's the news." Ben told her.

"Shit I was thinking information but then I was like nope it can be broken. I was close. Okay give me another."

"Without being called, we come out at night. Without being stolen, we get lost in the day. What are we?" Ben read.

"I wanna say the moonnnnn- oh its the stars." Miranda answered excitedly.

"You are correct." Ben responded.
"Okay hit me, what's next?"

Ben looked at the next one and his eyes widen and he stiffened a laugh.

"What is it?" Miranda asked.

"Oh it was this riddle but I'ma skip to the next one." Ben replied.

"No, go a head and read. I wanna hear now " Miranda laughed.

"Okay, What four-letter word begins with “f” and ends with “k,” and if you can’t get it you can always just use your hands?"

Miranda's eyes widen and she looked at Ben thinking. " Okay, it clearly can't be what I'm thinking." Miranda said lowly.

"Well what do you think it is? " Ben laughed. Miranda gave him a look and then blush. "Fuck." Miranda answered.

Causing to Ben to laugh loudly shaking his head. " Fork." Ben told her still laughing.

"Ohhhh that makes a whole lot of sense." Miranda laughed loudly.

"Okay one more and then we can play 21 questions so I can hear about you Benjamin." Miranda said laughing.

"What is long and hard and has cum in it?" Ben asked chuckling.

Miranda eyes widen yet again and she turned to look at Ben and decided to be playful.

"Hmmm longggg and harddd. Cum, cum cum cum. What has cum in it, cum." Miranda said pretending to think.

Ben was watching Miranda intently before looking at the scrub nurses who looked uncomfortable.

"If it's not you Ben, then I don't know what it is?" Miranda responded winking at him.

Ben bit his lip and then shook his head to clear his thoughts. "It's a cucumber." Ben answered clearing his throat.

"I knew that." Miranda laughed.

"Okay so next we just choose numbers and then we both can answer them." Ben said and Miranda nodded before calling out 21.

"What's something you used to believe about relationships, but no longer do?" Ben asked.

Miranda thought for a while " that love does not conquer all, you."

"I actually could say the exact same thing."

"11." Miranda called out.

"Would you rather be loved, respected or admired?"

"I'll go first " Ben said before stating. "I think I would rather be loved. If I'm loved I feel like I would be respected and admired because you love me." Ben answered and Miranda nodded.
"I was going to say loved to." Miranda said.

"How do you express anger." Ben asked reading 30.

Miranda laughed. " as you know, I yell and I'm also stubborn and don't want to talk " Miranda answered.

"I don't really get angry too much so when I do get angry I'm pissed. I want space and I'm also stubborn as well."

"How long do you think this will last?" Ben asked.

"It should only take me about 2 hours on the dot " Miranda answered and Ben nodded his head.

"What kind of wings do you like?" Ben asked thinking.

"I like hot and I like honey Garlic. Ohh lemon pepper is good too." Miranda answered thinking.
Ben nodded once again.

Ben pulled out his phone ad he began typing.

Miranda continued to call out things and the two answered. After two hours the surgery was complete. Ben sat and cleaned his tools and Miranda went to go scrub out. She looked up from the window as Ben left out and she frowned. Where was he going ?

Ben went down to the lobby and he paid the man for the food he ordered. 

He then took the elevator back up and he went into the attending's lounge grabbing Miranda's flowers.

He saw her standing beside Richard and she had a chart in her hand probably discussing her post ops.

Miranda looked up at Richard smiling and pointing behind her. Miranda turned around confused and she smiled hard seeing Ben standing there.

Miranda gasped looking at the flowers in his hand and the bag of food.

"Dinner?" Ben questioned.

Miranda touched her heart and nodded her head. Ben walked closer and handed her the flowers. " they are beautiful. Thank you." Miranda marveled pulling him into a hug.

Ben smiled and looked down at her. " Is that a blush I see." Ben asked teasingly.

"Shut up." Miranda blushed more moving from his embrace.

"Come on." Miranda said absentmindedly holding his hand as she pulled him to the attending's lounge.

"I hope water and tea is okay." Ben said sheepishly.

"That's great. Here I got this." Miranda said walking to her locker and she grabbed her bottle of bourbon out.

"Miranda why do you have alcohol in your locker?" Ben asked amused.

"For night like this." Miranda laughed sitting down at the table in front of him.

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