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Miranda woke up and she took in her surroundings. She was laid on top of Ben’s chest, snuggled into his neck. Last night was so good to her. She had never felt like this ever. Why was he so good. They had reached so many new heights. Ben got to the point where he was on a mission. He just couldn’t stop fucking her and she enjoyed the ride and would be down for it, forever.

She thought back to how she kept biting her lip to keep from screaming out and she distinctively remembered him saying. “Stop that Miranda. I want to hear you.”

So she did as told. She called out to him and called out to the heavens. Just thinking about last night made a shudder run through her body and she was turned on. God she wanted him and she didn’t know if she would ever stop wanting him.

Miranda sat up slowly and she woke Ben by slowly lowering her self onto him. The moan that escaped his lips caused a whimper from hers. He filled her inch by delicious inch, until they were one again. Miranda looked into his eyes and she bit her lip sexily before whispering “Good morning my love.”

With one hard thrust Ben growled “Good morning Beautiful.”

Later that afternoon Miranda walked out of Ben’s room in his t-shirt and found him flipping pancakes. “Oooh brunch. “ Miranda chimed clapping her hands.

“After last night and this morning. We were going to need a big breakfast.” Ben chuckled turning around. He gasped when he saw Miranda standing there.

“What?” Miranda asked eyeing him.

Ben looked her up and down stopping at his shirt that touched the top of her thighs. He looked at her toes painted white. Her nipples that were clearly distinctive through his shirt, her plump lips that were still red from being kissed so much and then her hair that she pulled back because it was sweated out from their love making.

“I’m sorry, you are just so fucking beautiful and always look so good.”

“Bennn.” Miranda warned blushing.

“Miranda I want you…dam.” Ben said cutting the stove off and putting the spatula down before stalking over to her.

Ben moved his hand to the side of her face and caressed her cheek. His touch was gentle but his grip on Miranda’s hands were very strong. He was so close to her that her voice was gone from her throat and she couldn’t say anything. Couldn’t stop him, just felt his touch.

His hard cock was touching her belly and she could feel drops of pre-cum touching her skin and even seeping into her deep navel. Ben’s fingers continued the exploration of her face, his fingering outlining her face, her eyes, her check bone, her jaw line and then her lips. Ben's gripping hand pulled Miranda a little higher until she was on her tip-toes, bringing her face closer to his mouth.

Ben’s penis was hard and she could feel him rubbing on her pubic bone and her neatly trimmed pubic hair. Miranda reached and pushed his pajama pants down and when she felt his cock near her opening, her core twitched with desire.

Ben licked his lips with his tongue and with his free hand pulled her hair back, holding her ponytail, Miranda’s neck arched back from the force, and he leaned in and planted his lips on her. Miranda was surprised at how gentle the kiss was, considering he had a predatory look in his eyes. Ben pressed his lips softly at first, gently kissing her, and slowly sucking on her lips. His kisses were caring and loving.

Ben parted her lips with his and soon the kisses became more and more passionate. His tongue slipped into her mouth and his lips moved all over hers.

Trickles of his precum were seeping onto her and more wetness were forming between her legs.

Ben’s kisses slowly got more aggressive. His tongue was snaking into her mouth which was wide open for him. Ben kissed her whole face and then back to her lips. This time he sucked on Miranda's lips harder and was biting on them gently.

Ben moved his finger up and down her belly, pushing his shirt up and gently caressing it. He kissed her neck and gently sucked on the skin.
His finger was encircling her deep navel and he slowly licked up to her ear and then down back to her neck. Ben then blew a warm breath on the wet skin and gently pressed his finger into Miranda’s navel.

A sigh escaped Miranda lips as his hands moved. He moved his hand lower and started pressing his palm on her pubic bone. He pulled Miranda close to him and his hard cock was poking again at her stomach. 

The pressure and movement of his palm on Miranda’s center was sending subtle vibrations to her core. She was getting wetter and her nipples were hard. She was ready for pleasure and release. Ben suddenly pinned her to the wall by the counter and he moved his hands over her head and started kissing her again.

His kisses were very hot, passionate and aggressive. He kissed her neck like before but this time he pulled the shirt up and pulled it over her head. Ben kissed down to her chest now that her round breast were exposed and down to her cleavage.

“You are so sexy Miranda.” Ben exclaimed and Miranda’s eyes were filled with a lust and fire.

Ben moved his hand to her breasts and fondled it tenderly. He closed his thumb and finger around the nipple. Then he pinched almost violently. Another sharp jolt seemed to go through Miranda’s body. He squeezed her nipple again, hard.

Miranda’s pussy reacted with an involuntary spasm. “Shit.” Miranda cursed, this was exhilarating. He started kissing the soft flesh of her breasts aggressively, sucking in the skin and biting them. He was leaving bite marks on her breasts as if he was marking them as his territory.

His free hand cupped her breast and he took her right nipple in his mouth. His mouth was so hot and felt so good. He was sucking in her breast as much as he could and licked his tongue all over her nipple. He pulled his head back, letting her breasts slip out, till her nipple was between his teeth and then he gently bit on it.

Shorts of pain as well as pleasure rippled though Miranda’s body and another moan escaped her mouth. She ran her hand across his head and massaged as he sucked, licked and bit. Miranda was so wet that drops of her juices were tricking out  and running down her thigh.

Ben’s eased down on his knees and began loving her lower body. He was planting small butterfly kissing on her thighs, and licking small trails around.

“Bennn I’m not going to be able to stand through this. Take me to the bed or couch.” Miranda moaned and Ben nodded. He stood up and Miranda giggled as he lifted her with ease and walked with her to the bed room.

It was now 3:30 in the afternoon and Miranda got out of bed and found another shirt to put on. She went out into the kitchen and left Ben sleep. She wasn’t about to play with him this time, she really needed to eat. This man was like an animal and she loved it non the less, it was so good.

Miranda heated up the food he cooked and she sat at the counter eating bacon. “So you are eating with out me.” Ben said loudly.

“How are you that silent in this house. I didn’t even hear you.”

“Well as you know first hand my movements are precise.” Ben laughed causing Miranda to laugh with him.

“Well that is definitely true.” Miranda commented “and baby I was hungry and I put you to sleep so good you were snoring.” Miranda teased.

“Please not you talking, when you were sleep last night with your mouth open snoring so loud.”

“No I wasn’t and I don’t snore.”

“How do you know. You were knocked out Miranda.” Ben laughed.

“What ever.” Miranda retorted playing rolling her eyes.

“So we didn’t use any condoms last night nor this morning.” Miranda announced turning to look at him.

Ben’s eyes widen and a sad expression came over his face. “I am so sorry Miranda. Don’t think I did that intentionally. We were in the heat of the moment and I wanted you so bad, I didn’t even think about it.”

“Benjamin it’s okay. I was here too, this morning and last night. I’m apart of this just as well as you. I know how bad you wanted me because I wanted you too, just as much. I was just simply thinking about it. Plus I’m on birth control.” Miranda explained.

“Ohhh okay. I mean when we get to that point. I’ll gladly put a baby in you Miranda, if that’s what you want.” Ben said seriously taking the piece of bacon out of her hand.

“You want kids Ben?” Miranda asked.

“Of course.”

“ you sound so confident that we will get to that point.” Miranda said batting her eyelashes.

“I hope we will. I want us to.” Ben responded seriously but also nervously.

“So what are the plans for the rest of the day?” Miranda asked turning.

Ben gave her a suggestive look. “Benjamin Warren. You are crazy and I love it but we can’t just have sex all day.”

“Who said we can’t. It’s just God, you are so good and it’s so good.”

Miranda laughed and looked at him under her eyelashes. “I can agree with that but how about good movies and Sex.”

“Okay movies. Let’s find some good ones and I would like another nap and we can order pizza and eat ice cream and then eat you and

Miranda laughed loudly at his words. “You are crazy. Have I become your addiction?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Ben nodded quickly.

Miranda slid off of the stool and she walked over to Ben standing on her toes kissing his lips before walking into the kitchen to make herself some coffee.

A week later.

Miranda rolled off of Ben’s bed and she walked out into the living room.

She walked around really admiring his apartment, something she didn’t take the time to do last week. He did really well for himself. Miranda walked to his office and she opened the door looking around. He had many book cases that were filled with text books. They were at lot of clinical anesthesia but she also saw books on therapy. Her eyes traveled looking at the different therapy books on relationships, family, personal and she began to get curious. Was this a hobby of his ? He never mentioned it. Maybe he minored in psychology in college.
Miranda figured he didn’t talk about it because it wasn’t the career he was in. She looked at the other books on the shelf and some where inspirational, self help, sci-fi and mysteries. She even saw books on sex. Now that intrigued her. No wonder he was so good. This man actually took the time to learn about it.

Miranda looked down at his desk and she saw all the manila folders. She saw one with a women’s name on the label and she knew it was nosey but she wanted to see. Picking up the folder, Miranda opened it and her eyes widen. Reading sex therapy. She scanned the notes about the woman’s life and when she started coming In for sex therapy. Miranda gasped at the realization and she put the folder down, grabbing another reading through the file and looking at notes and she even saw the address to the same exact place where she went.

“Ben is the sex therapist.” Miranda gasped throwing the papers down. She wiped her eyes from the tears that pooled and she picked up two of the folders again and walked into the kitchen.

Miranda was fuming and she didn’t know what to even say to this man.

Ben rolled over and pouted when Miranda wasn’t next to him. He stretched and slid off of the bed.

Ben walked into the kitchen and he saw Miranda’s back to him. He loved that she only had his shirt on. She was so beautiful and sexy.

“Good morning beautiful.”

“Good morning Doctor.” Miranda replied and he could instantly hear her sniffling.

When Miranda said Doctor it sounded like they were at a session appointment.

“Baby?” Ben questioned as Miranda turned around and he saw the folders in her hand.

“Miranda I-

Miranda’s face went from a blank expression to hatred and this made Ben’s heart almost stop.

“This can’t be possible. No.” Miranda said outlook trying to make sense mentally of what the hell she just discovered.

“You’re the therapist Ben?” Miranda asked. She knew the answer but some how she needed it confirmed.

“Miranda I can explain. I

Miranda shook her head almost violently and flung the folders and all the papers went flying as she walked around him and to his bed room. Miranda grabbed her pants and she quickly slid them on. Tears were falling out her eyes quickly and she almost couldn’t see.

“Miranda baby.” Ben said reaching for her arm. Miranda snapped and snatched away from him. Before pushing his chest even harder multiple times. ”don’t fucking touch me Ben.” Miranda cursed.

If looks could kill, he knew he would be dead, Miranda’s fist were balled up and he knew they were ready to be blown at him. Ben stared.

“Please Miranda just let me explain.”

Miranda wiped her tears and put her pointer finger and thumb on the bridge of her nose and she sucked up her tears before pointing a finger at Ben.

“You let me talk about you, you let me tell you how I felt about you. You let me have sex with you, knowing I was already having sex with you. You encouraged me to tell you that I liked you. You put things into my head about you. You’re not who I actually wanted,  you heard I wanted those things and you pretended to be that. You took advantage of me and you lied and manipulated me.”

“Miranda I didn’t mean-

“You played games with me. You treated me like I was a video game. A mission, a quick fuck or some fucking pet project. We’ll mission accomplished and game over.”

“Miranda please just listen.”

“No.” Miranda yelled loudly.

“I’m not listening to you. You have been lying to me this entire time. What you did was evil and sickening. Why would you do this to me? I let you in. I let you meet my son. Why would you meet me and date me outside of your office. I am no different than those other women you had trailing back and forth out of that dam office. You probably already have the next woman and is geared up to fuck her too. You pretended to care about me, for sex. This was just sex to you Ben.”

Ben tried to walk closer to her.  “don’t think about it.” Miranda yelled.

Ben sighed. “ Miranda I didn’t mean to lie to you I swear.” Ben started as Miranda moved around the room to find her shirt. “Every time I did. It killed me inside. Everything just spun out of control and happened so fast. The more you came to the office the more sexually attracted I became. I didn’t intentionally plan to meet you outside of the office but Knox needed my help. I wasn’t going to speak to you at all but then that whole situation happened and I had to make it right with you then being around you Miranda. I couldn’t control my emotions, I’m speaking as the therapist and my self. I couldn’t control my feelings. I just. Damit Miranda I didn’t want to loose you. I was going to tell you but it was so hard. I didn’t want what’s happening now to happen.

Miranda searched his eyes and she scuffed grabbing her purse and began to walk out of his bedroom door. “Miranda please don’t go. I’m in love with you. I love you.” Ben confessed.

“Regretfully I do too.” Miranda whispered before storming out and slamming his door.

Ben rubbed his face and he felt tears prick his eyes. He was angry with himself and now he lost the only woman he ever loved. He was In love with her and needed to figure out how to make it right.

Miranda sat in her car for a while, thinking. She was beyond angry and most of all hurt. She was in love with a liar and a dam near lunatic.

Miranda sighed and then drove home. She had work tomorrow and she knew that she wouldn’t get absolutely no rest today or tonight.

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