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Miranda thought about what she would say to Ben before she went to sleep last night. When she woke up, she expected her legs to be tangled up with his and snuggled into his neck.

Miranda then smelled bacon and she sighed happily, getting up out of bed tying her white silk robe around her body and slipping her feet in her slippers.

“Good morning Miranda.” Ben chimed hearing her feet come off of the stairs.

“A good morning it is. Good morning handsome.” Miranda chimed and she walked up behind Ben and wrapped her arms around his waist laying her head on his back.

“You are bold as hell to fry bacon with out a shirt on.” Miranda chuckled.

“I didn’t want to put my dress shirt on.”
“I see. You look good as fuck with these dress pants on and shirtless. It reminds me of the men from an exotic story.”
Ben chuckled and cut the stove off. He turned around and pulled her into his arm.
“Ben I want to talk to you and I guess we can do it after breakfast.”

“I need to talk to you too and after breakfast is fine.”

Ben made her a plate and Miranda got up to get them drinks.

Miranda and Ben ate and  talked back and forth.

“Okay Benjamin. What I was going to say was- Miranda looked over at her phone as it started ringing.

She grabbed it off of the counter from by her purse and saw the hospital calling.

“Shit. I gotta go to work. It’s been a huge accident on Elliott.” Miranda pouted.

Ben nodded his head. “My phones been off. I probably got called in and missed it.” Ben said looking for his phone.

“I’m going to get washed up and cleaned up real fast and if you gotta get to the station and is gone before I’m done. I will call you later today.”
“Okay I love you.” Ben said
“I love you too.” Miranda replied going up the stairs.

Ben dropped his patient off and then he went to go find Jackson. Jackson texted him yesterday saying he wanted to vent but Ben was too busy sexing Miranda.

Ben texted Jackson and Jackson told him that he was walking to the attending’s lounge.

Miranda walked into the attending’s lounge. She needed to use the bathroom. She would be glad when they finished cleaning out of her office.

Ben and Jackson met at the same time.

“So what’s going on?” Ben asked taking a seat.

“I think I want to call it quits with April.” Jackson sighed.

Miranda wanted to leave out the bathroom but she didn’t want to interrupt them.

“Yeah after everything and she chose to go back on another tour. She didn’t care about me…just selfish and now she’s back and I’m finished.”

“I would say to make sure you are not making a mistake. Mistakes are hard to come back from. I made mistakes with Miranda over 6 years ago and it’s been hell. It hurts like hell to be on the outside looking in on the family you want to be apart of. To wake up every morning and she’s not in bed next to me still pains my heart almost everyday. I love that woman so much it’s scary. I haven’t thought about no other woman since I have met her. Enough that I would go five years with out sex because it’s not her. I think about her smile and laugh all day long, that I could get distracted in the middle of work or a conversation and when I finally lay eyes on her. My heart swells with gladness every time because I just want to be in her presence and she’s just so dam beautiful and she had my kids. I just want to be in one house with her and our kids. I don’t want to switch off weeks and weekends and just come together because it’s a project, field trip or an issue. I want all of it. I want her to be my wife and still to this day she has me wrapped around her finger. I’m this woman’s puppet and I’m completely okay with that. I just want you to look at me and see how my life is and what I go through and what I long for and if you’re not ready to be switching off weeks with Harriet and looking at your life go by without you then don’t end this. Don’t end this unless you are serious and completely done because a mistake can cost big time.” Ben said sitting beside Jackson.

Miranda opened the door to the bathroom and she walked out with tears in her eyes. “Benjamin Warren. I’m in love with you and I’m sorry.” Miranda said walking over to him.

Both Ben and Jackson’s eyes widen and they looked at Miranda.

“I’ll let you both talk.” Jackson said getting up.
“I’ll call you man.” Ben said as he left out.

“I was going to tell you this morning that I’m in love with you. I love you and I want to be with you. You complete me and I can’t keep going on like you don’t mean anything to me in that way because you do. You absolutely do and I’ve been putting you through hell, just allowing you to have one foot in and one foot out. I want you completely and whole heartily. I want to be your wife.” Miranda finished looking at him intently.

Ben looked down at her and he knew she was serious. All he could do was stare at her. His greatest dreams were coming true.

Miranda pulled him into a hug and Ben cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth to his for a kiss, and it seemed as if the whole room fell away. Miranda threw her arms around his neck and pushed herself into him. She then moaned as he sucked on her bottom lip before nibbling lightly and then pulling it between his teeth. Ben took one of her thighs and lifted it. Miranda wrapped it around his waist.

“ Wait wait. We need to stop because I’m not going to want to in a few more minutes.” Miranda said in between moans as Ben kissed her nose, lips, cheek and neck.

“Mmm-hmm.” Ben said still kissing her neck and pulling her closer.

“Benjaminnn.” Miranda moaned.

“Is that to tell me to continued or to stop.” Ben chuckled.

“To stop….. or keep going. Godddd. I don’t know.” Miranda sighed.

“Okay okay.” Miranda said pushing him off.
Ben stood back staring at her with a huge smile.

“So I’ll see you later? I gotta go be chief but I get off at about 7. “Miranda said looking at him with a smile.

“Okay um do you want to wait and talk some more things through and we figure out how we are going to tell the kids and I’ll see about breaking my lease at the apartment but I guess until we sort all that out I-

“Uh uh. I want you in my bed. Well now our bed. We can cook dinner and tell the kids. I don’t think there’s much to talk about. We’ve- we’ll I’ve been dancing around this for years. And Ben I really am sorry for all this time.” Miranda apologized touching his cheek.

Ben covered her hand with his. “It’s okay Miranda. I have to make a few stops but I will be there for dinner.”

“Stops?” Miranda questioned.

“Yeah just some things important I have to handle. I will be there though with a suitcase.” Ben smiled.

“Sounds like a plan. I love you.” Miranda professed placing her hand in his and intertwining their fingers before pulling away from him.

After Miranda got home from work, she began to make dinner. She made a meat loaf, mash potatoes and gravy and green beans.

Ros would be dropping the kids off any minute now and Tucker should be coming with Tuck.

The doorbell sounded and Miranda walked to answer it.

“Mommy.” The twins yelled in unison.

“Hey babies.” Miranda greeted hugging them.

“Hi Ros.” Miranda greeted.

“Hi, man it smells good in here.” Ros said sniffing the air.

“Yeah I was in here chefing it up.” Miranda laughed. “You could stay for dinner if you like.”

“Yeah aunt Ros, stay stay.” Noah said and Naomi nodded.

“Okay I will.” Ros smiled. “ let me go get my purse and phone out of the car.” She said turning around.

Next Tuck was entering the house and Miranda embraced him tightly.

“I love you William. “ Miranda said kissing him on the head.

“I love you too ma.”

“ Okay, go wash your hands and dinner is ready.” Miranda said watching him jog for the stairs with his stuff.

Miranda sat at the dinner table with the kids. Her and Ros were drinking wine and talking back and forth but ultimately listening to her crazy kids tell there stories.

The door bell rung again and Miranda smiled getting up to answer it. She walked around the corner and went to the front door opening it.

“Hey baby.” Miranda said softly when she can face to face with Ben. He had a suit case in his hand and his work duffle bag.

“Hey babe.” Ben greeted giving her a hug and a kiss.

“ was that Ros car out there.”

“Oh yeah, she’s in the dining room with the kids and I have a key for you too” Miranda answered.

Ben took his coat off and then nodded walking into the dinning room. “Daddy.” “Ben.” Tuck and the kids said simultaneously.

“Hey brother.” Ros said and Ben walked around the table kissing everyone on top of the head before his sister.

Miranda thought back to Ben first finding out about his brother becoming his sister. She was so angry with how he reacted but his feelings were just hurt. 
“Have a seat Ben.” Miranda ushered.

“I gotta make my plate.”

Miranda waved him off. “I got it baby.” Miranda said and then realized what she said.

She watched everyone’s surprised  reaction to her words.

Miranda turned on her heels and went to fix Ben a plate. “Here you go.” Miranda chimed setting it in front of him and then poured him a glass of wine.

Ben joined in on the conversation and then Miranda cleared her throat.

“Ben and I would like to share something with you all.”  Miranda stated looking at everyone.

“I’m in love with your father, Ben. And he is in love with me. We decided that we are going to be together. So somethings will change. Ben will be moving in and there won’t be anymore switching off and things like that. We will be one family, one unit, in one house.” Miranda said.

“Wellllll. It’s about time.” Ros said laughing.
This made Miranda laugh too. “ he was like a hurt puppy everyday on the phone. Miranda this and Miranda that.” Rosalind teased.

“Aww baby.” Miranda said pouting with a smile as she reached out and touched his face. They continued to talk some more before dinner was over.
“You all know the drill. You have an hour to play, watch a movie or be on your tablet before shower and bed time.” Miranda said and the 3 kids nodded taking their plates in the kitchen.

Ben saw his sister to the door and Miranda went to go clean up the kitchen and put the food away. She packed everyone’s lunch for tomorrow and wrote notes inside of each bag for them.

Miranda told everyone good night as they were in bed and she shut their doors. She walked down the hall to her bedroom and she cut the shower on. She knew Ben had already taken a shower, she saw his towel hanging and then he went down to the garage to get the tools to fix one of the stools by the counter.

Miranda opened the door from the bathroom and she saw Ben laying in bed. “ this feels good to come out and you’re here on the bed. I love you so much.” Miranda smiled walking on her side of the bed. She flipped the covers back and slid in. Miranda reached out to grab her medicine when her eyes landed on a black ring box.

“Ben is this what I think it is?” Miranda squealed snatching it off the table.

“Mmm-hmm. Miranda will you marry me?”

“Oh my god. Yes, yes I’ll marry you Ben.” Miranda cheered turning over with the box in her hand and kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth they kissed for a long while before Miranda pulled away and opened the box finally.

“ Oh my God, this was the stop.” Miranda squealed looking at the Assher cut diamond ring.

“you like it?” Ben questioned rubbing her thigh.

“Like?…I love it.” Miranda marveled leaning to kiss his lips again before pulling it out of the box and letting Ben slide it on her hand.

“Thank you so much.” Miranda praised setting the box down before sliding over top of him. Putting both her hands on the side of his face. Miranda brought his mouth to hers.

She felt Ben grow hard underneath her and she began to grind back and forth on top of him, she could feel her wetness forming already and it definitely wouldn’t take long before she was dripping.

Ben sucked on her bottom lip and his hands caressed her ass as she moved over top of him. Miranda sat up and she reached down pulling her night gown over her head. Ben groaned when her breast presented its self and he realized she was naked underneath the whole time. Ben reached down and he pulled his pajama pants and boxers down.

Ben then reached up and rubbed his hand in her wetness. “Shit.” Ben cursed at her slick wet heat. He brushed passed her clit before sliding his hand up and tasting his fingers. Miranda looked down at him and a tingle went through her body.

The large blunt head of his cock circled her entrance slicking it with her wetness.

Ben moaned in need. She tasted so good always. He grabbed her thighs spread them a little wider and he looked up at her, in love with the beautiful woman in front of her, before he grabbed himself, and settled just his tip between her inner lips and pushed in slowly.

Miranda groaned as she flung her head back and gripped one shoulder before laying her left hand on the bedroom wall above the head board.

“Bennnnn” Miranda moaned loudly as she slid down him inch by inch until he was settled all the way in and she felt like she was in nirvana

“Miranda” he whispered raggedly in her ear. Ben was struggling to not grab her hips and pound up into her mercilessly, he wanted this to build up slow.

Distracting himself, he began to open mouth kiss her breast and between. He  sucked her right nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before moving to the left and showing it the same attention. 

Miranda’s  right hand lightly grazed the top of his head as she began to move up and down on him slowly. Miranda began to pick up the pace and ride leisurely and purposefully.

Ben groaned and held onto her ass as he began to push up in to her meeting her at every thrust.

“Fuck Benjamin Warren.” Miranda whimpered. She was trying her best to keep quiet, considering their full house. Miranda didn’t know what it was but looking at her left hand sparkle with this huge ass diamond as she pressed her hand against the wall for stability really did something to her.

Miranda milked him with her core and she began to bounce wildly on him.
“Fuck Miranda.” Ben moaned loudly before sucking on her nipple as she moved.

They continued this motion and Ben switched back and forth between her breast. “ shit Ben you’re gonna make me cum.” Miranda moaned. Sweat glistened over their bodies and their breaths came at heavy pants.

Miranda moaned loudly breaking eye contact with him as she closed her eyes and her back arched back like a bow. Her hand gripped Ben’s shoulder and the other gripped his neck as her body shook orgasming “uhhhhhhh.”

Ben groaned as he came. “Aww fuck Miranda.” He moaned licking his lips.

“Ben.” Miranda called out as she rested her forehead against his and an electrical sensation was still coursing through her entire body and she continued to moan.

As both of their moans and groaned subsided. Miranda cleared her throat.

“Baby I love you so much.” She professed against his mouth before kissing his passionately.

“ I love you to my sweet fiancé.” Ben said rubbing her ass.

“I hope our sex life is as good as it is now 60 years down the line. Miranda chuckled.

“You want to still be having sex at 90?” Ben questioned amused.

“Sounds appealing. If we can do it. I’m down for all the old people sex.” Miranda said shrugging her shoulders.

Miranda leaned down to kiss his lips again as she slid off of him and laid on his chest.

“60 dam years.” Ben sighed contently.

“Right. You got it in you?” Miranda questioned walking her fingers across his chest.

“When I finally get you down that aisle and I say I do. I mean I do. Forever and a day.” Ben said seriously.

Miranda moved her head to look him in the eyes and gave him a smile. “You got it in you?” Ben asked with a knowing smirk.

“60 years, let the count down begin.” Miranda answered and Ben kissed her on the head.

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