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“No do it like this.”

Miranda groaned. Her children were bickering back and forth, she hated when they got like that.

“Stop it Naomi.” Noah whined

“No, Noah do it like this. You’re not doing it right.” She responded.

Next thing you knew, Miranda heard and oww followed by a cry.

Miranda put her paper work down and walked down the hall to Noah’s room to find him crying rubbing his arm.

Miranda looked at Naomi and she walked over and popped her on the same arm.

“Now how does that feel? Don’t hit my son no more.” Miranda said sternly and watched as Naomi eyes watered.

“But momma he was coloring out of the lines. He wasn’t doing it right.”

“That doesn’t give you the right to hit him. I told you about that. Hitting doesn’t get people to do what you want them to do. If he dose something wrong. You come tell me. I’m the mother, not you. You don’t punish him that’s not your job.”


“Naomi Warren there is no buts. You are wrong and don’t do it no more. Why are you all sharing the same coloring book anyway. This is why I brought you your own?” Miranda asked crossing her arms.

She watched as Naomi stayed silent and just pouted.

“I asked a question.” Miranda said loudly.

“I want to go to my daddy’s house.” Naomi said crossing her arms.

Miranda rolled her eyes at her statement. “And you’re not. I don’t care how you feel right now and just because you’re mad at me doesn’t mean you gonna march over to your father’s house. He’s going to be upset with you for hitting your brother too. No matter which parent you go to and trust and believe I’m going to tell your father about this and you’re attitude. “ Miranda spoke with a disappointed tone.

“Now apologize and don’t let it happen again. “

“Sorry Noah.”

“For what?”

“For hitting you and being bossy.” She said tears still falling.

“It’s okay.” He responded.

“Noah get your own coloring book.” Miranda suggested before walking out of the room

Miranda pulled out her phone and called Ben.
“Hey Miranda what’s up.” Ben greeted.

“Hey, Ben Warren you need to talk to your daughter. I’ve told her about hitting Noah and she thinks she can just do what ever she pleases. Hitting him because she can’t get her way. I’m glad he doesn’t hit her back but the next time I’m going to make him hit her back. Then she gets upset with me because I popped her and refuses to answer my question. Talking about I want to go to my daddy’s house.” Miranda huffed into the phone.

“She said that? Wow, Okay I will talk to her and also see what’s going.” Ben said.

“okay thank you.” Miranda said before they hung up.

A couple of days later. Miranda finished her round on an occurring patient she had for years, when her phone began to ring.

Miranda looked at the caller ID and noticed it was the twins’ school.

“Hello.” Miranda answered.

Miranda listened as the principle talked to her. “She did what…okay I’m on my way. I will be there in about 30 minutes.” Miranda said hanging up.

Miranda told her resident to monitor her patients and she went to go change her clothes.

She drove to their school and she walked inside the front office.

“Hi, how may I help you.” The secretary at the front desk asked.

“Hi I’m Naomi Warren’s mother and I got a call to come-

“Oh, I thought her mother was already here.” The secretary cut her off confused.

“Excuse me?” Miranda questioned loudly. Miranda then heard Ben’s voice carry from the office next door.

Miranda leaned her head back to look through the class and she gasped when she saw Ben but a woman was on the other side of him.

“I don’t know what mix up you have but I’m her mother.” Miranda said annoyed and she turned on her heel to walk towards the office.

“Wait ma’am.”

“I see my daughter’s dad in there and I’m going to join the meeting with the principal.” Miranda informed calmly but she was fuming on the inside.

She reached the door and opened it up. Everyone’s head turned towards the door and Ben could tell that she was blazing.

“Hey Miranda. I didn’t know they called you too.” Ben said.

“Mmm-hmm they did.” Miranda responded, her lips pursed.

Miranda looked at Ben’s Co- worker and they both had their uniforms on.

“Can I have this seat?” Miranda asked her.

“Uh sure.”  She replied standing up.

Miranda moved to sit down and she sat her purse in her lap and crossed her arms.

“Okay I will fill you in.”

Miranda turned back around to look at Ben’s Co worker. “Um this is a matter just for her parents.” Miranda said.

“Oh yeah sorry.” She said sheepishly walking towards the door and leaving out.

Miranda and Ben talked to the principal back and forth before and eventually the meeting was over.

“I want to set up another meeting in a couple of days.” Miranda said and the principal nodded.

“Where is she?” Ben asked.

“She’s in the conference room doing her work.” The principal answered.

“Okay, I want to take her home for the day, can you have her teacher, give me her home work and bring her book bags and things.” Ben said and the principal nodded as they got up.

Miranda started walking out and she reached the hall way on the outside of the office.

“Miranda.” Ben called out.


“Just stay right here. Don’t you want to talk to her?”

“No you talk to her. She listens to you better and always sees me as the bad cop.”

“Mommy, daddy.” Naomi said sadly coming around the corner.

Both Miranda and Ben gave her a stern look and Miranda nodded her head for Ben to talk to her.

“Can I use your conference room?” Ben asked the secretary.


Ben walked that way and Naomi followed down behind her.

“Naomi why would you hit that boy.” Ben asked crossing his arms.

“Because Daddy, he keeps picking on me. He pulls my hair and calls me names. One day he’s nice and then next he is mean.” Naomi stressed.

“So what happened today?” Ben asked.

“He said I had long pretty hair and then he yanked it, so I punched him.”

Ben looked at his daughter sadly because he knew that the little boy liked her and that’s why he was doing all this.

“Why didn’t you tell your teacher this?”

“I was going to but she said the person that gets caught in the act is always the one to get in trouble.”

“Well that’s dumb.” Ben commented.

Ben watched as his daughter cried. “Why are you crying?” Ben asked.

“Because I got in trouble and he was bothering me.” She exclaimed now sobbing.

“It’s okay sweet heart I will fix it. I will talk to the teacher and the principal again. Next time baby girl you have to give them all the information. Don’t let anyone just assume something on your behalf.”


“Come here cupcake.” Ben said and she walked over to him. Ben wiped her tears and pulled her into a hug.

Miranda watched from the window on the outside of the conference room. “ a hug…really?”

They two walked out and Miranda eyed Ben.

“Hey princess, go to my car, while I talk to your mother, Ms. Sarah is there.” Ben encouraged and watched as she ran off.

Miranda walked to her car which was on the other side of the parking lot and she felt Ben grabbed her arm. “Don’t touch me.” Miranda snapped.


“No, Ben did you really hug her. You never reprimand her at all. What is the matter with you? Stop letting her run you and put your foot down? If she keeps this up, it won’t be a party next week. She needed a stern talking and you-

Ben leaned down and pressed his lips against her. Miranda gasped and Ben used that opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. Miranda was still in shock so it took her a moment to kiss him back but she quickly got over it and slid her tongue against his.

Ben pulled her by her waist and slid his hand down her body gripping her ass.

Miranda moaned and then pushed him back. “What the hell was that for?”

“Geesh, that got you quiet.” Ben said staring down at her.

“I prefer if you would just say be quiet.”

“ I think you like when I hush you that way.” Ben smirked and Miranda rolled her eyes blushing.

“First I wanted to say that it wasn’t my intentions to bring Sarah. Me and her are not together. When the school called. They didn’t tell me what happened and I thought Naomi was hurt so she just suggested that she would ride with me. I didn’t know that they called you. I know you are her mother and it’s looks crazy but that’s really what happened.”

“Ben I wasn’t concerned about that woman.” Miranda lied

“You got to get better at lying Miranda anyway and the reason I didn’t reprimand my baby was because she wasn’t in the wrong for real. The boy likes her and he’s picking on her or either complimenting her. He told her she has pretty hair and then yanked it so she hit him. The teacher didn’t see him do it so she was the only one who got in trouble. She didn’t speak up because she felt like she couldn’t because nobody saw him do it and my cupcake was really hurt about that.” Ben said sadly.

Miranda looked at him and she shook her head. She actually wanted to go console her daughter now and she was definitely going back inside to speak to her teacher and was glad she scheduled another meeting.

“See maybe if you wouldn’t have flirted with her dam teacher and left her hanging this wouldn’t be an issue.”

“You look for any reason to be upset with me.”

“Well stop doing stuff.”

“Stuff like what..  having a social life.”

“Let me go speak to my baby “ Miranda said walking to Ben’s car.

“Sweetie I’m sorry about today. Next time tell the teacher and the principal the whole thing. I’m not upset with you for doing what you did but you do need to understand that violence does not always solve anything.”

She watched as she nodded her head. “Give mommy a hug and I will see you when I get off work.”

“I’m going to pick Noah up too so he won’t be looking for his sister.” Ben said and Miranda nodded

“Hi I’m Sarah. I work at the station alongside Ben.”

“Hi, I’m Dr. Miranda Bailey “ Miranda said introducing herself.

“I’m sorry about earlier.” Sarah said and Miranda nodded her head.

“It’s fine.” Miranda said before her pager went off.

“Oh, I got to go back to work. Alright you all have a good day.” Miranda said turning to walk back to her car.

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