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“So, I saw you and your baby daddy.” Callie teased.

Miranda rolled her eyes. “First, he is not my baby daddy, he is the father of my children and second so what.” Miranda remarked as they walked to the elevator together.

“How do you all do it? How do you both just co parent and that’s it?”

“Because that’s what we decided it would be.”

“But what about love?” Callie commented.

“Of course, I love him, I just don’t think I’m in love with him. I will always have love for him.” Miranda answered.

“You’re lying through your teeth Miranda.” Callie said and Miranda rolled her eyes.

“Hi.” Miranda chimed as Ben answered his door.

She saw Noah on Ben’s chest as he cradled him.

“He’s still cranky?” Miranda asked and Ben nodded.

“Yeah Naomi's sleep and I didn’t want him to wake her.”

“Here let me see if I can help and relieve you.” Miranda said as she put her bags down and reached for Noah.

He was sniffling and she knew he was about to start wailing in a minute.

“Hi mommy’s baby.” Miranda said grabbing him.

“Oh its going to be alright. I wish you could tell your mommy and daddy what is it. Why are you so cranky little man?” Miranda cooed.

“He’s probably hungry as hell. He wouldn’t take his bottle at all.” Ben added.

“Yeah, he’s been doing me like that too. He won’t take it and forces me to give in to breast feeding him.” Miranda said and she looked back down at her son.

“You’re hungry little one. Ohh and you wanted mommy. Daddy couldn’t provide you with what I got huh. I got that liquid gold you want.” Miranda teased laughing causing Ben to chuckle as well.

Miranda turned some from Ben’s sight and pulled her shirt down and let him latch on. Which he quickly began to drink hungrily for a long while until he was just latched on. He didn’t seem to be swallowing but just content with what he was doing. He was relaxed and looked to almost be sleeping.

“Oh you know what. I think he’s comfort sucking.” Miranda thought out loud turning back to Ben.

“Huh He’s what?” Ben asked confused and trying not to look at her breast.

“Some Babies breastfeed for reasons other than just for food or to quench their thirst. Babies breastfeed to feel safe, to calm down, to warm up, for reassurance, to connect with their mother, for pain relief, to fall asleep and because they love to suck.”

“You’re his pacifier.” Ben clarified.

“Yeah.” Miranda said touched as she wiped her finger across his face.

“Well how do you stop that.”

“Why would you want to stop that?” Miranda questioned offended.

“Because you’re on maternity leave only for a certain amount of time. We co parent and if he’s not going to want to drink his bottle than this won’t work.”

“He’s just 2 weeks Ben.” Miranda retorted.

I tried to rush him off my breast to get my body back and he was fussy for two days behind it. He was traumatized and he needs me. “Miranda said.

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