So this is what they do all day..

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"Oh my god where am I? Just take this damn bag off of my head already." I  yelled trying to get my hands free but it feels like it's getting tighter. Fuck this shit.  

"Well look at what the cat drug in, more trash."

"Brynn is that you? Oh thank god I wanted to talk to you about what I did. I'm so sorry I didn't mean for all this to happen. Please just let me go and we can talk about it." I tried to talk to her but it was like she could barley speak. 

"Fuck you I don't want to talk to you, you're a backstabbing bitch." Brynn spat

"Brynn please I was just drunk it didn't mean anything, just let me go and we can talk like adults. There's no need to punish me, I feel bad enough the way it is." I broke my hands free and took off the bag from my head. 

"Like adults, well you could have been a adult and not slept with Killian. But I guess that was to hard of a task for you huh?" Brynn jerked on her ropes and I could hear the hiss coming out of her mouth. I could only imagine how much she is hurting right now and I can only hope she could forgive me for this mess. 

"Okay Brynn I said I was sorry and I really meant it, but now you give me no choice to do what comes next. Don't say I didn't warn you." I walk over and pick up a riding whip, hmm looks like they have been a little busy trying to get some information out of her. 

"What are you up to now? More lies and back stabbing. Sleeping with my mate wasn't enough you have more up your sleeve. I should have listen to Jess. You know my real best friend." Brynn spoke with venom dripping from her mouth and I could only shrug. Because after all she was right.

"Something like that. But you really should have listened to your little wolf." I laugh and crack the whip over her back. "Smack," "Smack," "Smack." Blood flies everywhere and I instantly feel better. So this is what all the guys get to be doing while I had to pretend to be nice. So not fair. 

"YOU.WILL.FUCKING.BURN.WITCH.MARK.MY.WORDS!!!" Brynn hissed and yanked on her chains, her  I did my best evil laugh. She is very funny and I did have a little fun being her friend. After all I never had one, I need to remember not to sleep with their boyfriends though. That was one memo I guess I had forgotten, oops. 

"What the fuck is going on down here?" Oh look who it is, my boss. Guess the fun is over for now. 

"Nothing we were just getting reacquainted. I figured since she liked me before, Brynn would really like me now." I turned and winked at her. She is more pale now even for a vampire. Oh maybe thats why they stopped with the beatings, she gives me a look and I know there is still a fire inside of her. Hmm, well if they would ever tell me shit this kind of thing would never happen. 

"Leave her be, we have more shit to worry about, and we need her alive to get it. Don't push me Avery, or I will kill you first." My boss said and I knew he wasn't kidding, I was just doing him a favor because I owed him, not because he liked me. 

"Now there's an idea." Brynn spat while she raddled her chains lunging forward.

"Hush vampire, just because I need you alive doesn't mean it has to be in one piece." He huffed and walked out. Jeez these men were grouchy. 

"Sir yes sir." Brynn smirks while rolling her eyes. I mentally slap myself. I could I forget how big of a brat she was? She will get herself killed before she even bleeds out. 

"So little Brynn what should I do with you while we wait? Do you want to play a game, hm?" I walk around Brynn and taunt her. She's so weak and vulnerable and It plays right into my hands when it comes to figuring out what the twins are up too. 

"I can't fucking believe you. You come into to work for the guys and they all treat you like shit. You work here and they treat you like shit. Give it up Avery, no one wants you. Hell no one even gives a shit whether you live or die. Even here I still am more important than you are. That must make you feel so small. 

My mate didn't want you, your boss hates you and you literally just signed your death certificate. Give it up you have nothing left. Kill me that's fine at least when I die I know people out there loved me, I can't say the same about you." Brynn spit out blood and turned to look at me. Her face was sunken in and her eyes were blood red, they shined in the barley lit room. I swallow knowing she's right. 

Of course she is, no one would miss me and right now she has a fucking army looking for her. It's just not fair , what did I do so wrong in my life for people to hate me so much? I guess I have my ways with making friends in the wrong places. And friends I mean men who want to fucking use me for information because I'm a witch. Well no more, I will take matters into my own hands. 

"Ahh seems I hit a nerve. Little miss Avery has no one in this dark world , so she tends to do bad things to other to make up for the bad things done to her. Hmm am I getting close? Daddy issues? Mommy issues? I'm getting warmer I can feel it." Brynn laughs and wheezes, her eyes shine bright with confidence as she  looks me into my eyes. My emotions are running so deep I just swing. I hit her over and over. My hand starts to sting and I back up. 

Brynn spits more blood out and a smile is stretched on her face like a crazy person. "That the best you got human? Come a little closer let me feed on your fear. You may have magic but I can kill you in less than a minute. Come on come closer. I haven't fed in a couple days, I could really use a meal." Brynn licked her lips like I was a four course meal and I immediately feel myself freeze. Fuck she is going through withdrawal and soon there will be no stopping her thirst. 

"Enough, I'm not going to sit here and listen to you talk about making me your last meal. Just shut up so I can think." I shouted as I pace the floor. I need to get the fuck out of here before she's dead and they need someone to blame.  

"So I know you know the guys will fine me. Jess will find me, and when they do you'll be the first to die. So just tell me we're they getting closer is that why you came? Got everything you needed to kill us all. There's just one little thing you forgot." Brynn smiles but this time she turns her head to the side and looks at something I can't see. 

"What! What is it that I forgot?" I yelled in panic

"Killian has magic and he's already found me. He's my mate, there is no coming between that. As much as you tried you failed. Killian love's me and no one loves you. Who do you honestly think will survive?" Brynn's crazy laugh was the last thing I heard before pure evil came down the stairs. 


Whoa what a twist 😉

Who do you think is coming?🤞

Who is Avery so afraid of? Why is she such a backstabber?🤬 

Come on Kill where ya at??😢

Love ya always ❣

-Meg xx

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