Where the hell am I now!?

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My head fucking hurts, I can't feel my legs and I can't focus on shit. "Brynn" I tried to yell but it came out as a whisper. What fucking kind of drug was that? Good god it could knock out a fucking horse. I couldn't see who Brynn was so afraid of, but once I'm free I'm going to eat them for fucking breakfast.

"Brynn where are you?" I yell but all I get is silence in return. Where the hell did they take me? And where the fuck is Brynn? I feel like I'm back to square one and I'm fucking pissed. Why would they separate us?

I look around trying to get a better idea of where the hell I am. I see lots of windows, but their all bored up so no light can shine in. Great so I'm guessing lots of freaking vampires have me. Oh Jess just how did you get here out of all places?

There are desks and tables, so it looks like what once was a old office building. It smells like someone fucking died in here and if I knew any better I would guess I wasn't the only person to be held here. I bet this is where they brought people to torture and find out where we we're, to get intel on us? God what fucking creeps.

They have me bound to a chair in multiple ways. My wrist to the arms, and my ankles to the legs. I have a rope around my chest and some kind of makeshift rope weaves in and out trough my legs and arms. I can't fucking move a inch. At least they didn't fucking gag me too.

I have a bad feeling about what is about to happen, but I can't even begin to wrap around my head around what Brynn looked like when I seen her. She has even lest time left than we thought. They have bled her dry and beat the shit out of her. And for what? They want us all but yet they want her alive. Do they want to wait until the guys come so she will die in front of us. Or do they have some bigger and better plan ahead. God all this unknown is going to drive me freaking crazy.

I just keep watching the door waiting for someone to walk in and start taking their anger out on me. But when I look over I see a fucking foot. Oh my god is that a person laying in the floor? Is this where they take bodies to feed on? Oh the dead smell. God I think I'm going to be fucking sick. Not all vampire are like this. They don't just feed on people and leave them for dead. It's call snatch, eat, erase for a fucking reason.

"Well look who's finally awake. Did you sleep well?" I would know that fucking annoying voice from anywhere. "What the fuck do you want? Where's Brynn?" I growl

"That's a lot of questions from someone who is tied up and can't move." She sang

God I'm going to fucking kill her if it's the last thing I do. I knew from the very beginning she was up to no good. Would anyone listen to me. Nope of course not, I was told to play nice and leave her be. Well look where that got us.

"Oh little wolf, I know you are angry with me but let's make one thing clear. You don't hold the power here, I do and you will get answers when I want to give them." She spat.

"I will fucking burn you witch and I don't want your fucking answers. The guys will save us and then I will kill you once and for all. I don't need to need to see the future to know that your days are fucking numbered." I hissed and closed my eyes thinking of the many ways I will make Avery pay for everything she has cost me, for everything thing she has cost all of us.

"Oh promises, promise. Little wolf." Avery ran a finger down my face and I tried everything to call my wolf, but she is so far in the back of mind from the drugs, I'm purely fucking human right now. I better think of a better plan and fast.

"Well at least when you stayed with the twins you didn't have to smell dead fucking body's, and clean up messes you didn't make. You're probably just the fucking messenger anyways. Someone's little minion doing all their dirty work, because we all know you couldn't possibly be the brains behind all this. You don't have it in you to be the boss." I smirk

"Shut up you dirty fucking useless wolf." Avery was screaming and I did a little dance on the inside.

"Well now there's the Avery I know and hate. Always trying to place a hero, when we all know you are a helpless, unwanted bitch who no one gives a shit about." She deserves the fucking worse and soon she will get it.

"I said shut up bitch. I'm so sick of you thinking everyone love's you. If Kahlo really loved you why did he fuck me first?" Avery was fuming and what she said didn't even hurt me. I know Kah loves me and I know he was going through blood lust when he fucked her. He regrets it everyday. I would never be mad at him for doing something out of his control.

"Ah is that the best you got? Kahlo fuck you out of blood lust and pity. Don't get it twisted little witch. No one fucks you because they like you or want to be with you. Because if they did, you would be with someone by now. And by the looks of it, all you get is used and thrown to the curb like the trash you are." I laugh and the door opens. Oh please be someone with a brain.

"Avery, now is that how we speak to our guess?" He asked as he stroked her face. Yep something really fucked up is going on here.

"So I take it you're the boss? Because I know for damn sure she isn't. She's to fucking stupid to lead anyone." I looked at him and wondered if he was in fact the man Brynn is so scared of.

Avery went to pick up a whip and hit me over the arms with it. I just smile and didn't show any emotions. I'm a fucking trained warrior, no one will break me or get information out of me. It hurt like a fucking bitch, but. I.WILL.NOT.BREAK.

"Is that all you got little witch?" I growled and smiled my most evil smile.

"Oh, there is a lot more where that came from. But for now, I should just go ahead a leave you to it. You know since you can escape and all." Avery laughed and it was the most evil I have ever heard her. Ugh what a fucking bitch.


Oh this bitch has it out for Jess.🤬

Where the hell is Brynn?🤷‍♀️

Why are they separated?🤦‍♂️

The boys are so pissed.😢

Don't kill me just yet. The best is yet to come. 👀

Love always..

Meg xx

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