Let's end this.

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I kept searching up and down the road but I kept feeling a pull, so I ran as hard as I could to the building that was pulling me, I came to an abrupt stop and forced my emotions to the back of my mind. I needed a clear head for what I was about to do. I knew I needed to get in there as fast as I could but I couldn't do it hot-headed. I had to have a clear mind. 

I stalked around the building and found where Jess was kept and I couldn't keep my wolf at bay, I have never felt him this strong before. I have never felt the urge to shift until now. All I wanted is my mate back, and now I could feel her and there was no way anyone could keep me from her. I pace back and forth, trying to figure out how to shift, but nothing seems to work. How in the fuck are my mate in danger and I can't even do the one thing I was destined to do? I dig deep down and try to draw on my inner strength but I still can't seem to find it. I'm a fucking failure there is no way I will be able to shift to save Jess. I hate this, why can't I just save my mate for once in my life, god gave me something to fight for and I'm failing. I pick up a tree and charge the fucking wall, I was thrown back with the force of a fucking storm, I look down at my hand and half a fucking tree was sticking out of it, I tried to pull it out but the pain was nothing but excruciating and  I almost passed out, but I had to think of Jess, I gripped it in my mouth and pulled. Nothing, it didn't even budge. I pulled again thinking of Jess and got the fucking nothing. I looked around and found a big tree, I step back and took off in a dead sprint. I charged the tree ripping the fucking branch from my hand, but this was nothing compared to what Jess was going through. I swallowed my pain and kept moving, she needed me and I wasn't about to slow my pace. 

What the fuck do I have to do to get to her? I sit here and pace back and forth trying to find a different way in but I keep coming up with nothing. We only have minutes and here I am at a loss. I run at the wall again and it shoots me back and I'm thrown about 30 feet, I don't know what else to do. I have to get my head right, there is no breaking Jess out if I'm all emotional, I won't be able to shift. I need to get my head in the game. I have to come and put all my shit aside and focus on Jess. I hear the most pain-filled scream that sends a chill down my spine. I let out the most cutthroat roar and shift running at the wall and kept going as it cut threw my body raw, I have never been a wolf but now that I am I won't give up anything to get to my mate. I smelled her more strongly than I ever have before. She smelt divine like the ocean breeze on a hot summer's day.

But her scent kept getting lost as I tried to focus, I smelt more blood than you could imagine. I saw bodies laying everywhere, bloody and ripped apart. I passed a head on my and wondered what he did to deserve to be beheaded. But that's not my problem, I don't give two shits what he did and I don't give a shit what the guy did to have his dick cut off, but here the fuck we are. I run through body parts and hoped and prayed none of them were hers. I could feel that her heart was still beating, I just had to fucking find it. I found an arm and held my breath as I picked it up. No fucking way is this my Jess. Her nails are fucking pink, Jess is black to her fucking soul. I threw it down and kept searching. I could hear her heartbeat in my head, ba bump, ba bump, ba bump. It gets slower and slower, but I know without a shadow of a doubt, it's her.

I came to a stop and crouched down just to take it all in, and followed her pain. I came an outside a door and I was scared to shift back in case I couldn't shift again. I hear her scream again as I broke down the fucking door. My heart was going to beat out of my fucking chest, ba bump, ba bump, ba bump, ba bump, It's so fucking fast I can't control it. I look up and  I was standing there in front of the fucking witch tormenting my fucking mate and I felt fucking thing. I felt her pain, her love, her love for me, her devotion, I felt how much she was willing to give up to save her friends. But most of all I felt her willpower to fucking live. I returned from the emotional rollercoaster I was on and went to deliver my one and final kill. 

"Wait!!" Jess tried to yell, but she had no voice. Her heart rate was now matching mine.  Thumping at a retheme it shouldn't be. 

"What's going on, I just felt my life slipping away and now I feel like I could run a fucking marathon." Jess looks at me with hope, like she was just about to take her last breath.

"You're my mate Jess, I live for you just as you live for me. There is no me without you. My heart beats for you, even if yours doesn't." I breathe into her mouth while I taste her lips.

 "She's Mine!." Jess whispers. 

I look over my shoulder and see Avery's stupid fucking face. The girl we brought into our home that we trusted to work beside our girls, the girls we would happily die for. We brought the fucking devil to our front door and severed it fucking food and alcohol. What the fuck had we been thinking? I lost it, I ran to her and tore through that room like a fucking savage wolf ripping her arm from her body. I was unhinged and her screams were music to my ears.

"Kahlo please I need this." Jess pleaded.

"Okay little monster you can have her," I replied in her head, but still not myself, I didn't want to stop, but I knew she needed this. She cocked her head to the side with a smirk.

"You're so beautiful, Kahlo." Jess breathed.

I shifted back to remove her chains but I was stuck at a stare-off with Jess. I couldn't believe she was here and I found her. What does that mean for Killian and Brenn? God, I hope it wasn't bad.

I removed her chains and let her stretch her body waiting for her to pounce. Watching her at this moment she was everything to me. She was alive and breathing, she was here my mate my reason for the heart in my chest to keep beating. She was it for me, my one true love, my mate, my fucking life. 

I thought she would make it slow but she didn't. I should stop trying to predict what she does. My girl walked up and snapped Avery's neck like it was another day.

"You don't deserve another piece of my soul, you don't deserve another part of me, I gave you a quick death because that's what I deserved, you will pay for your sins in hell, I will make sure of it," Jess whispered.

"I knew you could do it, I never doubted you, you just had to believe. You are gorgeous Kahlo." Jess kissed me and I fucking melted. 

I stood there in wolf form wondering if I would be the same when I shifted back. Would I still have my wolf? Would he always be ready for me when I needed him? Would It always be this hard to shift? There's only one way to find out. Jess would always love me the same, but would I love myself? I shifted back as easily as breathing and my chest filled with pride as I stood there and felt stronger and bigger than I once had. I felt like the mate Jess deserved, one that could have her back and mean it. There was no stopping us now, we were unhinged mates for better or worse. I stand here naked covered in blood. As I  held my hand out to my future wife waiting for her to rid her final goodbyes to this fucking dump. She takes it proudly with a smile that could fucking stop my heart.  

"You came." Jess smiled the biggest fucking smile.

"You needed me. " I pick her up under her legs as she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. "Wait where is Brynn? Did Killian find her?" Jess asked in a panic. 

"Let's go home and we can call him from there little monster." I tucked her close like someone was going to try and take her from me. We walked a great while before I shifted and made her ride me as she was still to weak to shift. I felt free for the first time in my life, I couldn't wait to run with  my mate. To feel free and loved now that I had every part of whole. All but one. Kill, fuck I have to get home.

Jess crawled off me and I shook out my fur loving how it felt. I remembered we had shit to do so I shifted and took her hand as we walked to the club. I open the door and the whole fucking place went off like a fucking bomb.. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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