Someone, Anyone. HELP!!

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The truck stopped and I knew from that very moment I wouldn't be leaving the place they were taking me. I knew in my gut that this was it for me. Something inside of me was screaming at me to run but I couldn't move my legs. Who are these people and what the hell do they want?

I feel two arms scoop me up off the van floor and I let out a whimper. That's all I could muster up and it hurt like hell just to get it out. I just wanted to go home and crawl in my bed, or yell at Killian for the stupid things he said to me and stupid sluts that he's fucked. I would give anything to see his face right now, to feel his strong arms around me and hold me close to his chest. The safest place in the world. 

I'm so fucking mad at him for fucking Avery but right now he's all I can think about. All I want is him, why does he have to be so scared and push me away? Well I'll be damned if I let him do this to us. He is my mate, the one man made for me and ONLY me!! She can't have him, he's MINE! I feel my body jerk and I was being tied around my hands and a gag was put in my mouth. It was all covered in verveine  so I couldn't move unless I wanted to be burned. Fuck them and their sick games, I will get out of here and when I do I will kill every last one of them. 

"Stop it you fucking assholes. Let me go! When my friends find out where I am they will kill you. You better count your days assholes, because their fucking numbered." I spat and felt everything go black. 

I wasn't knocked out or losing vision they just shut all the lights off and left me hanging by a rope in a pitch black room. I hate the dark and I hate what I can't see. This is not good and I have no way of getting the hell out of here. All I can do is wait and see if Jess or Killian notices I'm gone, and I don't just mean missing from work, I mean gone, gone. 

I don't know how long I have been in here, it feels like days but it could be just hours. There are no windows and no sound, except for when they come and put more verveine on my hands and feet. My screams got so loud I felt my voice crack. I knew it was no use but I also couldn't just sit here while they beat me half to death. Yes I will heal but without blood it could take days or months to have enough strengthen to put up a fight. I really just want to get the hell out of here, but my future doesn't look so good right now. 

I hear the sounds of something sharp scraping against the wall. It sounds as if they are walking down steps and dragging something behind them. Or running claws down the wall. I can't quiet make it out because my vampire hearing isn't so good right now because of the verveine. 

"Please, what do you want?" I scream out and jerk with all the strength I have left. I have to stay calm and save my strength, I can't be stupid in this kind of situation. I take a deep breath and when I let it out someone or something was blowing their breath back in my face. I felt a strong hand grip my jaw and they got really close to my ear. 

"You will find out soon enough what we want. But until then shut the hell up before you make it worse on yourself." The voice was raspy but I feel like I have heard it in my nightmares before I was turned and then everyday after that. What the fuck did I get myself in and why didn't he beat me like the other guys?

"Don't worry you will still get your lashes today, I just like to watch and not get my hands dirty. But be a good girl and your lashes won't be as long, this I can promise you." The guys voice was scary and deep. But there was still something familiar about it. I just couldn't put my finger on it. 

"F.I.N.E!" I growled through gritted teeth. I was sick of all the games and even more sick of my lashes. But what the fuck could I do about it? Oh right nothing. 

I hear the crack of a whip and I swallow the lump in my throat. I knew what was coming and I didn't know how much more I could take at this point. I just wanted to give up and let them kill me. I was in to much pain but I kept seeing Killian's face flash in my mind and knew he would come. He has to come. 


"Ahhhhh, come on is that all you got." I just wanted to black out so I could no longer feel the pain. But they knew that's what I wanted and gave me just enough drugs to keep me awake. Fucking bastards. 

"Oh darlin we are just getting started." I heard one of them chuckle and I couldn't help the bile that rose in my throat. These sick twisted assholes were having the time of their lives while I just hang here with blood running down my back and legs. I could feel a puddle of my blood at my feet which made me even more worried I wouldn't survive. 


Fuck. I just hung my head in defeat and took the rest of my twenty lashes. My legs and back was covered in blood and gashes. I could feel every mark they put on my body. I could feel everything and in that moment I knew I needed to get the fuck out of here before they killed me. But all I wanted to do was die. I wanted nothing more then to be rid of all this pain. I was helpless and lost and I couldn't fucking see a damn thing. 

"Fuck you. You will all pay for this. Mark my words, you will all pay!" I spat and I felt the last and hardest smack across my back. I screamed until I could no longer speak. I swear they will pay, if it's the last thing I do. Killian will come and we will kill them all. 

I don't know where all these dark thoughts are coming from but they are the only thing keeping me going right now, so if I had to turn into the savage vampire to survive then that's what I shall do. I felt tears run down my face and knew I was covered from my head to my toes in blood. But that's not what I cared about right now. There was only one thing, well one person I cared about and if we are mates, then why the fuck couldn't he feel my pain?


Dun dun dun!!!! 👀

Poor Brynn, who will save her? Will anyone save her?🤬

Where the fuck is Killian and why hasn't he felt her pain?🤔

Who has her and why is she being so abused?😥

Until next time my loves. 🖤

Meg xo

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