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as he plopped himself down on the couch, a heavy sigh escaped his lips while he looks around the room like a lifeless person.

"so what are you going to do now?" asked jaemin.

when the three—jungwoo, jaemin, and renjun— found out about donghyuck being a secretary for the ceo's son they immediately visited the male in his apartment, and now they're here, gathering around his living room, with cups of ice cream on their hands, except for donghyuck.

yeah, he's busy panicking for an ice cream right now.

he was stressed and don't know what to do. firstly, he has to find a way to tell their manager that he's going to leave his job in the coffee shop without telling the reason why—well just because—and second, it still hasn't sunk into him that he's going to be a secretary for one of the biggest and famous company in seoul, for mark lee, the ceo's son to be exact.

the last interaction he had with mark is from that very specific night and just thinking about it made donghyuck internally cringe, he badly want to curl himself up to a ball and throw himself off a cliff out of embarrassment.

"hello?" jungwoo waves his hands in front of the younger's face as he's still not done making an eye contest with the wall, "are you there."

when the tanned male finally snaps out from his thoughts, he looked at the three in front of him and made a fake cry face. "the question is..." he says, "what am i supposed to do now." he sobs, burying his face down on the throw pillows.

the three looked at each other and back to the male, "how exactly did you end up in this situation." asked renjun.

oh, that question just made him sob his heart out, even dramatically pulling his hair out in frustration. yeah, how did he end up in this situation, he asked himself.

sitting up, he harshly rubbed his face and finally looked at the three of them. he pulled himself together and released a heavy sigh, "okay, if i tell you guys about this... promise you won't tell anybody?"

the three scoffed at the tanned male's statement. "we only know each other, haechan," renjun told, "to whom else will i tell this?"

"okay, okay." he shook his head. the older does have a point, but he's too stressed right now to even think straight, "so you guys know when mr. mark lee visited our coffee shop late at night right?"

"woah that's such a formal way to call someone, but okay." jaemin jokes, but soon shuts his mouth when he saw donghyuck glaring at him, "okay, continue."

"so then, i didn't recognize him at first because—in my defense, i don't even know what the ceo's son looks like..." he explained, cringing to himself after recalling his first meeting with the older, "and yeah, i kind of disrespected his whole human being without knowing the consequences i will face and when i tried to apologize, he didn't accept it instead he offered me half a million—"

"half a what?!" all three of them said in unison out of surprise.

the latter sighed in defeat and flopped his body on the couch and just stared at the white ceiling, "and when i said i don't have that much money that's when he said he wanted me to be his secretary."

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