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"oh? you're dressed?" jeno said after he saw the latter wearing something a little more casual on a weekend. he visited mark's house expecting that he was free but seems like he was going somewhere. "you're going back to your office or what?"

mark breathes out a laugh as he shook his head. he was thankful enough that jeno had his back facing him so he can't see the blush that is now creeping up on his cheeks.

he continues to fix the collar of his button-up before saying, "no, i have a date."

right there and then, the younger dropped whatever he was doing in the kitchen to turn his head and look at the ceo.

"you what?" he asks, not convinced that he heard that correctly, "the workaholic son of the most famous ceo is finally going somewhere other than his office? and has a date?"

"shut it." mark simply blurts. shaking his head before he breathes out a small laugh. he just went back to tidying up his clothes as well as his hair.

"hold on, is this about donghyuck?" he continues to ask, making sure to emphasize the last word.

the older didn't answer and just continued to search for his belongings such as his wallet—that he obviously misplaced.

jeno's mouth fell open, gasping a little too dramatically. "i knew it!"

of course, it's going to be donghyuck. just the way mark talks about or just looks at him, he can already tell that this man is interested in the younger.

when the older finally found his wallet together with his car keys and phone, he now made his way towards his door. "if you're going to some random bar again, please lock my door before going out." 


"i remember that!" donghyuck released a small laugh, nodding his with what the younger is saying.

their drinks were almost finished and the half finished powerpoint that they were supposed to be working on has now been put to the side, as the two are now busy paying attention to this random topic that sungchan brought up.

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