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walking out of the elevator, donghyuck didn't do anything but look down on the floor as he continued to follow the ceo in front of him. he probably didn't even notice where they are now, but as soon as he doesn't trip on anything then that's fine—

a hiss abruptly fell on his lips when his forehead suddenly bumped on a hard yet soft muscular back. 

the younger looked up and his eyes landed on his ceo's back. that's where he finally realized where they are right now. he saw mr. lee standing in front of the table of the receptionist and overheard what the older was saying.

"is my driver already here?" mark asked, eyes already searching out of the building.

the woman behind the receptionist nodded her head, "yes, mr. lee. he's here." pointing at the black car parked on the left side of the building that mark failed to notice. 

just when the superior is about to take another step forward, he halts and turned his neck to look at his secretary that just bumped into his back earlier. "look at where you're going, donghyuck."

the said name immediately looked up again this time his eyes landed directly on the ceo's eyes, which made him avert his gaze away before answering, "i apologize. i-i'll look where i'm going now."

before donghyuck can even see the small smile that is starting to form on the older's lips, he quickly turns his head away and started walking towards the black car waiting for him.

standing in front of the vehicle, the ceo was instantly greeted by two men in black suits, opening the door for the ceo and he went in.

the secretary that is following him was about to do the same but he felt two pair of arms in front of his chest, stopping him from his actions. this made took a step back as felt his body being pushed away from the vehicle.

he looked at the two of them with furrowed brows. he was about to speak for his side, explaining that he's not a somewhat fan of the ceo for them to just push him away, but a voice stops him.

"excuse me?" the ceo looked up from his seat, his tone sounds like he was pissed.

"is your secretary supposed to come with you, mr. lee?" one of the bodyguards asked, pointing at the tanned male standing in between him and the other bodyguard.

the superior lifts his brows at what he heard, "yes, he's coming with me," he blurts, "and can you try to not be too aggressive with him?"

"i apologize, mr. lee." the man that just laid his hands on the younger's body took a bow in front of the ceo, and the same goes for the man on donghyuck's right.

the two immediately make way for the said secretary to come in the vehicle, and despite the confused reaction on donghyuck's face, he just hopped inside as they closed the door.

when the driver saw mr. lee nods through the rear mirror, he took this as a cue to hit the gas.

an awkward silence soon started to envelop the two as the younger didn't know what to do nor say anything. he doesn't even know if he was allowed to make casual conversations with the latter, so he just looked at him through his peripheral vision and there he saw the superior on his phone.

he cleared his throat and averts his gaze to the window before making the biggest decision he can ever make in this situation, "i-it seems like they're not used to seeing you bring another person in your car, mr. lee." he stutters, in attempt to break the awkward atmosphere around them.

meanwhile, mark froze on his spot as he just heard the latter's small voice. he can tell he got hesitant to say that. mark breathes out a small laugh before composing himself, "yeah. i prefer being with myself at meet-ups," he said, "but you're going to be helpful for later."

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