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donghyuck's eyes widened after hearing the older's statement, while his mouth dropped. "it's so obvious that they only want your company!" he tells after the ceo had just told him about mr. moon's purpose of their meeting.

"well, that's how it usually goes if one's company needs money so bad." mark replied. but he just can't help but to notice how donghyuck had now started to talk to him informally but if he's going to be honest here, he wouldn't complain or even correct his secretary.

it's better than this rather than the awkward atmosphere they had earlier.

the younger leaned back on his chair as he pursed his lips, still in disbelief of what he just heard. "if i were you mr. lee, i'd reject him right away in front of his face." he said, nodding with every word he says.

when donghyuck heard his ceo chuckle, he looked over his side and he saw him shaking his head. this made him slap his lips with his palms, "oh, i'm sorry!" the younger suddenly said, grabbing the ceo's attention, "i apologize, mr. lee!"

"for what?" the older looked at him with a frown, noticing how donghyuck is looking at him as if he saw a ghost.

"well... i-i didn't realize i'm starting to talk to you informally..." the younger slowly said, and started averting his gaze away from the ceo.

mark smiled before shrugging his shoulders, "i don't mind." he plainly said.


"anyway," the ceo clears his thought in an attempt to erase the smile on his lips, "where's your place, we can drop you ther—"

"oh no! it's fine—i'm fine!" donghyuck refused, shaking his hands as a no towards the ceo. 

the older looked down at his wristwatch to check the time and shook his head, not agreeing with what the younger just said, "it's too late at night, donghyuck." he stated, making the younger check the time on his phone.

he slowly started nodding his head, agreeing with what the ceo said. "you can just drop by the bus stop, my place is closer there anyway." 

mark didn't say anything after that so the younger can't quite tell if the latter agreed to him. their journey went on, until they were closer to the ceo's building.

once the younger finally saw this, he sprung his back up from the backrest and tried to peek where the bus stop is. the older seemed to notice this and glanced over to where he was looking. "do you live in that building?" the older asks.

"yes!" the younger immediately replied, "you can drop me off here at the bus stop—"

"let's go directly to that building." mark said to his driver and did not take any more answers from the younger.

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