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"do you guys think i can do it?" sungchan said, looking at doyoung and johnny in front of him with nervous eyes.

while sungchan is nervously biting his nails, thinking of the worst possible things to happen, both of the older men blankly stared at him with rice in their mouths.

they were speechless, to say the least. the three of them were just causally eating their lunch, having their small chit-chatting as usual but their conversation made a huge turn that led sungchan into confessing his feelings towards donghyuck.

they don't know how it led to this but doyoung was just ranting about work-related things and at the same time praising donghyuck about how hard he works with sungchan agreeing with everything he says. and the next thing he knows is sungchan saying all the characteristics he liked about donghyuck.

johnny and doyoung—well, mostly doyoung—saw it happening yet it still caught them off guard.

now here they are, sitting at the cafeteria, not knowing what to reply to sungchan.

"why are you guys looking at me like that?" the younger whined, "was i not obvious enough?"

"oh you were so obvious about it." johnny replied while shaking his head as a 'no' to sungchan's question.

"you like him that... much?" doyoung soon asked, trailing his words. just recalling all the words sungchan described donghyuck inside his head.

the younger slowly nods his head as a 'yes'. his hyungs' reactions are slowly making him think that he was that obsessed with donghyuck. but he was just admiring, that's all! "you two still haven't answered my question," he added, "do you guys think i can ask him out?"

"you're the only one who knows your own capabilities, sungchan." johnny told, taking another spoonful of his food, "but i say, go for it. even if you get rejected or not, it's still fine to let him know about your feelings."

"so you think i'll get rejected?" the younger looked at the taller with a frown.

doyoung shook his head in disbelief, "he doesn't mean it like that." he butts in.

sungchan leaned back on his chair, still not feeling confident about himself, "but what if things get awkward between us after i confessed?"

"gosh, sungchan." doyoung brushed his fingers through his hair in frustration. "don't think too negatively, come on. donghyuck is a very bubbly person, either way, i don't think things will change."

"confessing does need a lot of courage, doyoung." johnny breathes out a chuckle seeing how doyoung is tenser than sungchan. maybe this just proves how much doyoung supports the younger. "anyway, i'm done with lunch, and break time's about to end soon so let's go back."


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