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messy sheets, pillows tossed around the bed—even some on the floor—while a body lay across the bed. a groan fell on donghyuck's lips as he shuffles around his comfy bed to avoid the ray of sun that was slapping his face.

he slowly tries to open his eyes, as his brows furrowed, confused as to why his curtains are widely open.

just then, he shot his upper body up from the comfort of the bed when he finally fell into consciousness. his eyes started to wander around his room and landed on his bed.

he's well aware that he slept with a warm body that did nothing but hug his waist last night, why is he suddenly left alone in his bedroom?

"did he already leave?" donghyuck asked himself, even though he knows he's not going to get any answer. he doesn't know why he felt upset at the thought of his ceo leaving him early in the morning without saying anything or even waking him up.

he decided to just spring himself up from his bed, before stomping his feet towards his door and to his kitchen to finally start his day.

but as he was making his way out, he heard noises from the kitchen that made him halt his movements. he was about to question what or who is making that noise but he already got his answer when he saw the familiar pair of pants and button-up hanging on one of the chairs in the dining table.

"mark?" donghyuck calls out in a small voice. mark has his back facing him and he can tell he was cooking something.

the older finally turned around after he heard his name being called. there he saw donghyuck standing in front of him while also giving the younger a clear view of his upper body.

donghyuck can't believe he forgot he just gave mark nothing but pajamas last night, now he has to see this early in the morning—well, not like he was complaining.

"o-oh, hey..." mark awkwardly chuckles, putting the spatula down to make his way closer to donghyuck.

donghyuck looked away as he can already feel his cheeks burning. "i thought you left..." he voiced out his thoughts, but did not dare to make eye contact with the superior.

"i won't," the older simply replied, wrapping his arms around donghyuck's waist and rest his chin on the latter's shoulder, "i still have to cook your breakfast as a thank you."

if someone were to look at them from the distance, they would probably think that the two are a lovely couple but the thing is, they are not even close to being a couple.

"a thank you?" donghyuck repeated the older's words, not quite getting what he meant.

he felt mark nod, "for letting me stay for the night." he told.

donghyuck lets out a small chuckle, "so it's not a one-night stand thing then." he jokes.

but seems like mark did not take this as one as he lifts his head to match eyes with the younger. "of course not," he told while his lips unconsciously forming into a pout, "donghyuck, my intentions are genuine and true, i wouldn't use you just for pleasure."

the younger smiled before he tiptoed to give mark a peck on his cheeks, "it's just a joke, relax." he mumbles into mark's ears.

"i want to show you how much i like you," mark mumbled back on the latter's ears, pulling him closer when he felt their bodies being detached, "but if you don't like that idea then just tell me if you're—"

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