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finally jumping off the train, donghyuck excitedly pulled mark's hands with him to fasten their pace and with a little more walk, they exited the train station, now standing in front of donghyuck's desired place.

he looked at the place in awe before looking back at the superior, "we're here!" he exclaimed with a big smile.

on the other hand, mark only scans the place with confusion, "a-are you sure we're in the right place?" he asked, uneasy, while also trying to fake a smile.

"certainly." donghyuck replied quickly, observing the older's expression. oh, he's surely loving this. "this is seoul's most famous marketplace! oh, and look at those street foods!" he told pointing at the various foods in the stalls while people crowded in front of it.

"i know a famous steak house near here," mark suddenly blurts, attempting to catch donghyuck's eyes that are busy eyeing the place, "we can go there." he offered.

"that's boring!" the latter immediately declined. he just started walking which made mark do the same and they swim through the sea of people, towards the first food stall the younger saw.

"what do you want to eat first?" donghyuck asked the latter.

mark stared at the food in front of him for a long time, yet how much he looked at it, he can never pinpoint what it was. "i don't know, i'm not familiar with these." the ceo told.

"we can eat these, it's called eomuk and it's basically a fish cake," donghyuck explained, pointing at the food in amusement. he then averts his gaze at the person behind the stall before saying, "two of these, please."

after they paid for it, the younger gave mark his fish cake while he ate his. hoping that mark will enjoy his food, he only looked at his secretary who's busy noming on his food.

the younger noticed this and his brows furrowed his brows, "what? come on eat it." he said, mouth full of food.

mark started bringing the stick in front of his mouth and donghyuck can already tell that he has no plans on eating it. and that's the whole plan! he knows mark is not familiar with this place and probably doesn't even know that it existed in the first place, so seeing his uneasy look makes him feel that he's succeeding in this whole revenge situation already.

was the whole plan about making mark uncomfortable? maybe. is it working? kind of?

bringing the food down, mark asked the younger, "are you sure this is clean?"

"don't discriminate, just because it's not in a fancy place doesn't mean it's dirty." donghyuck told back, but only to start thinking again, "well, it might be, but who cares? just eat it!"

slowly but surely, mark started bringing the food in front of his mouth while donghyuck just stared at him and felt like it's been hours. taking matters into his own hands, he held mark's arms that were holding the food and forcefully made the older eat it.

mark just can't do anything but chew it and eventually swallow the food. and as he takes his time to savor it, donghyuck stared at him with anticipation, "it's good, isn't it?" he asked with a wide smile.

the older's face immediately changed. his brows arched and looked at the food in shock, "it's—it's good!" he said looking at the food in disbelief.

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