Chapter 1

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Loki sighs as he turns over in bed to face you.

"y/n?" he whispered trying to figure out if you were awake. You open your eyes and turn your head to face him.

"Yeah?" you whispered back. Loki looked into your eyes with a tinge of sadness tearing at his face "what is it Loki? What's wrong?" Loki sighed again, and his eyes fell.

" you still love me?" you were shocked, to say the least.

"What do you mean, of course, I do!"

"It's just...I feel like you're losing interest in me, and I don't know what I can do to be more interesting and maybe I'm not good enough...I don't know but...y/n maybe...maybe..." Loki sat up, tears swelling in his eyes. You don't know what to say so you just sit up and stare at Loki.

"Loki...I..." you pause, trying to think of what to say. "I've just been busy that's all" Loki stares at you angrily.

"Busy? Really? That's your excuse?" he scoffs. You move over to him

"it's not an excuse! I've been busy at work, you know how it is, bad guys don't take days off" you try to grab his arm, but he stands up and begins walking into the bathroom. "Hey! Don't walk away from me." You teleport in front of him, blocking his way.

"y/n...get out of my way."

"no," you say playfully, trying to lighten the mood but Loki only grows angrier. He walks the other way and you run after him.

"Loki...I was just trying to lighten the mood, c'mon, don't be upset" Loki turns around and you slam into him, almost knocking you over.

"I feel like I don't even know you anymore y/n! you're never home, you never check in on me, and quite frankly I don't think you even care at this point!" your face drops and you take a step back. Your eyes start to tear up and you struggle to get your words out.

"I do love you...please...I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way" a tear falls from your eye, and you quickly wipe it away.

"I don't think I can do this anymore y/n...I just can't" Loki struggles to keep his tears back and begins to cry softly. He snaps his fingers and changes clothes while he reaches out to grab his coat from the hook by the door. You try to reach out to him, but he swats your hands away and leaves the apartment. You stumble back in shock, reaching out for something to steady yourself. You begin to cry as you sink down onto the floor.


The bright yellow rays of morning light shine through the window and onto your face. You open your eyes and sit up, grabbing your head. You had fallen asleep on the floor last night. You come to the realization that you and Loki had just practically broken up. You stand up slowly and head over to the bathroom to get a Panadol for your now throbbing head. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and sigh heavily. You decide to call Loki and see if he's ok, as he didn't come home last night. You pull your phone out to see a text from Thor.

Thor 🔨

Hey, what the hell did you do to Loki?

He showed up at the avenger's compound drunk, talking about how he's worthless and how you never loved him. What the hell is that about?

What? Omg! We had a fight last night and I think he broke up with me, but I didn't think it was that extreme! Where is he?

He's passed out on my couch. And what do you mean he broke up with you?

What happened?

He asked me if I still loved him because I was always away and whatever and so I said I do but I'm just busy with work, and it escalated from there

Oh, man...

So, did he break up with you for real?

Yeah, I think so

I haven't seen him since last night though, so I'm still really confused

Well, I'll ask him when he's up

Don't beat yourself up about it, he can be a bit sensitive sometimes

You smile at your phone and then sigh heavily once again. You head over to the fridge and grab the carton of orange juice, at this point you can't be bothered grabbing a cup, so you just take a swig from the carton. You place it back into the fridge and head back to the bedroom to get dressed. You go with some tracksuits and a hoodie and pull on a pair of old runners. Leaving the apartment, you get a call from your friend Natasha Romanoff and answer the phone hesitantly.

"Hello?" you say sluggishly.

"Y/N! What the hell was that last night?"

"I guess everyone saw him huh?" you roll your eyes as you lock the front door and start to walk downstairs.

"Loki said you two were over, is that true?"

"I don't know Nat; it's complicated, I guess. I don't really feel like talking right now. Can I catch you up later I was just about to go on a run?"

"Yeah sure, I'm here if you need me" you thank her and hang up the phone. You teleport down the rest of the stairs and start to jog outside. Luckily today's your day off and you can go on a long run to clear your head.

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