Chapter 8

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You and Loki start talking about why you broke up. "I was really stressed out at the time, and I just felt like we didn't see each other very much. I started to blame you for stuff that wasn't even your fault and that was really horrible. Eventually, I just got really bad, and I thought you didn't love me anymore. It was a terrible time" you put your head on Loki's shoulder.

"I wasn't there for you when you needed me and I'm sorry." You nuzzle your face into Loki's shoulder, and he rests his head on yours. You chat for a while longer, still leaning on each other. Eventually, night falls and you and Loki decide to just order pizza. When it arrives you open it, starving, and begin to eat.

"Slow down, you're going to get a stomachache" Loki laughs as you stuff your face with pizza.

"I'm hungry" you manage to get out, in-between chews. You and Loki continue chatting and end up back to the topic of your relationship.

"Loki...I'm sorry...about everything" Loki sighed as he moved closer to you, grabbing your hands, and interlocking them.

"I forgive you, and stop apologizing, I think we're both equally to blame" his lips curved into a small smile.

"Sor-...uh, yeah" you chuckle. He pulls you closer to him and you nestle your head into his chest. After a while you decided you couldn't stay like that forever, so you started to clean up, with Loki helping too. Once the room was clean again you slumped back down onto the couch. "I think I'm going to go to sleep, I'm exhausted" you sigh. Loki raises his eyebrow as you settle into the couch. "What?" you say when you notice.

"You don't have to sleep on the couch you could come sleep in bed with me...or...y'know we could swap sleeping arrangements...whatever you're comfortable with," Loki said as a blush made its way to his cheeks. You chuckle and ponder for a moment.

Why not? After all, I have been sleeping on the couch for like a week or two.

You stand up, grabbing your blanket, and head to the bedroom.

"All right then" Loki stands in the doorway awkwardly, trying to figure out if you were being serious. "Come on then, I don't bite" you laugh as you get under the covers. You let out a sigh of relief, this was heaven compared to the lumpy uncomfortable couch you had previously slept on. Loki walks over and stands near the bed, still looking a bit awkward. You grumble a bit and reach over, taking his arm and pulling him down onto the bed. You laugh as he looks up shocked. You turn to lay on your back as Loki gets under the covers, still keeping a large gap between you two. Once he settles in, he switches off the light and looks up at the ceiling. You sigh as you try to fall asleep. After about ten minutes of painful silence, you turn over and look at Loki, expecting him to be asleep. Instead, you are met by his gaze, you try to hold back a giggle.

"I thought you were asleep..." you said, looking into Loki's eyes.

"You were keeping me up with your tossing and turning" he laughs. You giggle and shift your body so that you can see him better, still not looking away from him.

"I haven't slept in this bed in a while... it's... a little strange"

"It's ok...You know...I can always sleep on the couch..."

"No way! That is the worst torture ever!" you laugh. "Plus, I like your company" Loki smiles and you break away your gaze, only to realize that the large gap between you is no longer large. In fact, your nose was almost touching his. You turn onto your back, closing your eyes. Loki turns around to face the wall, sighing quietly. After a while you start to hear Loki's breathing slow, assuming he's asleep. You turn over and look at him. You spend the next ten minutes just looking at him fondly. You start to drift off to sleep and soon you start to hear Loki snoring quietly. Your thoughts clear and you fall asleep, half cuddling Loki.

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