Chapter 6

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The next morning a knock on the door wakes you both up. Loki sits up while you go and answer the door. As you open the door Peter walks in. You are surprised at his sudden appearance and close the door.

"Hey, Peter. What's going on?" You say, walking over to Peter.

"Oh, I just came by to drop off your stuff...and see how you're doing. You didn't answer your phone last night when I called, I thought something happened." You turn a little red as you go to check your phone.

"Oh...I didn't realize you called." Loki gets up and looks at Peter suspiciously.

"Why would you think something is wrong?" Peter looks down at his shoes and shrugs.

"Oh uh...I...thought..." Peter looks at you and Loki straightens up.

"Oh...I didn't know you and Peter were together" your eyes go wide, and you start to stutter.

"No! no we were never. I'd never. That' We are definitely NOT a thing" you laugh awkwardly, and peter goes red.

"Oh..." Loki breathes, now embarrassed. You grab Peter's arm and hurry him outside.

"What the hell man?" you say angrily.

"Sorry I just thought Loki might have done something to upset you again..." you sigh and look at your feet

"Peter, I'm sorry. I was looking after Loki, he fainted, and then I had to make sure he ate food and get him in the shower..." you blush and Peter chuckles. "Hey, not like that you pervert" you laugh. "Anyway, the point is, I didn't hear the phone ring. Sorry."

"It's all right. Just next time check your phone. And please, stop acting like you don't like him. I know you do; spider senses remember." Peter laughed, and you go red yet again. You punch him in the shoulder playfully and head back inside. Loki stands there awkwardly as you walk over to him.

"What's wrong?" you say, concerned that he might faint again.

" it's were very loud." You immediately stop and stare at Loki.

"You...overheard?" you say slowly.

"It's hard not to..." you glare at Peter, and he backs away.

"I think I'll head out now...see ya later y/n," he says as he backs out the door. You turn back around, and Loki is failing to suppress a laugh. You try to stay mad but it's impossible and instead, you start laughing loudly.


You're in the middle of cooking dinner when Loki comes up to you.

"Hey y/n? do you love me?" you panic and choke on your saliva, Loki gets worried and pats you on the back, making you stop coughing.

"What? Loki...uh...nope." You teleport out of the apartment and onto the road, almost getting run over by a car. You run onto the pavement and grab your head, "You idiot! Why'd you say that?" Loki stares at you from the window with a smirk. You teleport back up and act like nothing happened. Loki chuckles and you glare at him. "What are you laughing at greasy?" This only makes him laugh more. You finish cooking dinner and hand it to him, making sure he eats it. After dinner he heads to bed, stopping in the doorway.

"You know, you don't have to sleep on the couch. You could just sleep with me" His eyes go wide as he realizes what he said sounds like. "Oh, not like that! I mean, not it hot in here?" Now it's your turn to laugh at Loki, he gets flustered and goes into his room. You get ready for bed and slither under the covers. Even though you're sleeping on a couch, it's not too bad. As you begin to fall asleep you think about the question that Loki asked. Do you love Loki?

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