Chapter 7

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You wake up to the aroma of pancakes. You smile and sit up, looking over to the kitchen. Loki is flipping pancakes and humming to quiet music. You walk over to the speaker and put the volume up, starting to hum with Loki. He turns around and smiles at you. You notice how much healthier he's starting to look. You smile back and go over to help him. You and Loki finish making pancakes, dancing to the music, and plating everything up. You turn down the music a little bit and start eating your pancakes. Loki stares at you for a bit before smiling and going to eat his food. When you finish eating you put the dishes away and sit back down with Loki.

"Hey, did you want to go for a run with me?" You say smiling. Loki perks up.

"Sure, I'd love to" He gets up to get dressed and you throw on some tracksuits and a top. Loki comes out of his room, and you can't help but stare. He's wearing a singlet and shorts; you walk over to him and poke his chest.

"Have you been working out without telling me?" you laugh. He blushes and heads over to the door.

"Are we gonna race or what?" He says with a smirk.

"Already ahead of you" you teleport at the start of the stairs, and he laughs.

"No teleporting, that's cheating." He walks over to you and stands beside you. You count to three and you both start running down the stairs. Loki gets ahead of you, and you rush to catch up to him. Loki falls back as you run faster nearing the end of the stairs. You leap down the last step and quickly stop yourself before crashing into the wall. You raise your arms cheering. Loki gets to the bottom of the stairs and stops, panting. "Ok, ok you win. You are faster than I remember." You laugh as you drop your hands and lean against the wall, panting. You both catch your breath and start walking outside. When you get outside you both start jogging. You jog around the park, taking in the sunlight and fresh air. You and Loki stop at the fruit shop to buy some fruit and water, puffed out from the long jog. After you buy your fruit and water you and Loki go to sit on the grass in the park. You chat with Loki and find yourself staring at him.

"You're beautiful." You say looking at him. He looks at you and smiles.

"So are you." You smile back at him blushing slightly. You tear your eyes away from him and lay down. With the sun shining on you, you close your eyes and sigh. Loki lays down beside you, still looking at you. You turn your head and open your eyes, looking into his. "I think I'm in love with you" he whispers. You smile slightly.

"I think I'm in love with you too," you say, laughing a little bit. He smiles, still looking into your eyes. You stay like that for a while, until you look away at the sky, sighing. "Loki...I'm really sorry" Loki chuckles and looks up at the clouds.

"If anything, I should be the one apologizing." You look at each other. "I'm sorry y/n...I hurt you and I never want to do that again. Please forgive me" he says as his face drops. You roll onto your stomach, perching your head on your hands, and look him in the eyes.

"I forgive you" Loki's eyes start to tear up and he looks up at the sky, smiling. "Just promise me you'll talk to me next time. Don't bottle up your feeling, it's bad you know" you laugh, giving Loki a nudge. He laughs and you two sit up.

"So...does this mean we're back together?" he looks at you, waiting for your answer. You take a breath in and out.

"I really want to be with you Loki but...I think we should talk about this more; I don't want to rush things. I'm really sorry." Your face falls and you look down. Loki grabs your chin and pulls your face up to look at him.

"You never need to apologize for wanting to take things slow. Plus, I think it's better this way. You can't go back into a relationship and expect everything to go back to normal." He smiles and you chuckle.

"I guess your right. Thank you" you pull him in and hug him softly. You walk back to the apartment with Loki, chatting and laughing. When you get into the apartment you sit on the couch, patting the couch next to you. Loki sits down next to you and tilts his head back.

"I think that's the most exercise I've done in a month." He laughs.

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