Chapter 2

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You unlock the apartment door to find Loki sitting at the kitchen counter with his head in his hands. You close the door and walk up to him. He doesn't look up as you sit on the chair next to him and lean on your arm. You're still a bit puffed out from your run, so you try to catch your breath. After a minute you look up at Loki.

"Loki I'm really sorry. I promise from now on I'll be here, I'll spend more time with you. Please..." Loki sighed and looked at you, his eyes were red and swollen from what you'd assume was a mix of crying and a hangover.

"y/n...maybe this is for the best" you stared at him with wide eyes.

"W-what?" you were fighting back tears as Loki stood up, holding out a duffel bag.

"Maybe it's best if you stay at peters for a bit, I'm sure he won't mind, you two are close." You stare into his eyes and plead with him not to do this. He puts the bag in your arms and leads you over to the door. "I packed everything I thought you'd need. You can come and collect the rest whenever you want. Goodbye y/n" Loki wiped a stray tear from his cheek and closed the door. You walk away stunned and angry. You're mad that he just threw you out like that, like a piece of trash. Everything had happened so quickly that it seemed like a dream, or more rather a nightmare. He had it all wrong, you loved him. You loved him with your whole heart, and you thought he felt the same way. Evidentially not.


You knock on Peters's door, and he opens it swiftly, not wasting a second before he pulls you into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered as you cried softly into his shoulder. Peter and you head inside where Natasha is waiting with a worried look on her face. You walk over to her, and she opens her arms. you hug her tightly while peter goes into the kitchen to make a cup of tea for you. You sit down and unfold the events of the previous night and this morning. You put your head in your hands and wonder how it could have all gone so wrong.

"Why don't you just ring him up and explain everything to him?" Peter asked, genuinely curious.

"No, you idiot! Give them time to cool off. You can't talk properly if your both emotional wrecks." Natasha says, you giggle as the two argue lightly about what you should do.

"You know what? Maybe I should just blow off some steam. What do you guys say to a night out?" you smirk as Nat and Peter giggle.

"Perfect!" they say in unison. You rush about to get ready; you find some clothes and throw them on.

"Hey, can I put makeup on you?" Nat says excitedly. You shake your head quickly; you really don't like makeup.

"So, do you think you can teleport us to the club? or should I call a taxi" Peter laughs. you giggle with him.

"You do know that I can only teleport within my eyesight, right?" peter grumbled as you and Natasha laugh. You finally finished getting ready and decided to take a picture with everyone before you left. You sent the photo to peter and Natasha as you go outside to hail a taxi.


You arrive at the bustling club and walk inside. You send Nat to get the group some drinks while you and Peter scope out the area. Natasha comes back with three shots of vodka.

"Oh boy, I can already tell that tonight's gonna be crazy" you laugh as you take the shot glass out of her hands. You all count to three and skull the vodka, making a face as it burns down your throat. You all shout happily as you head over to the crowd of rowdy dancers. You all start dancing and singing loudly. As the night goes on you start to get tipsier and tipsier. Peter is already pretty much blind drunk, and Nat is at the bar getting more drinks. You fumble over to the toilets, and something catches your eye, you notice Loki staring at you from the other side of the club. You stop and instinctively teleport over to him. When you get there, he's surprised, and it looks like you caught him off guard.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" you shout over the loud music. He fumbles back bumping into someone. They glare at him and walk away.

"Um...I was...checking in on you. You seemed really upset when you left, and I saw your photo on peters Instagram and I wanted to make sure you weren't doing anything stupid." You scoff at him.

"I perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Plus, I'm having fun, for once." You realize just how rude you sounded as soon as the words left your mouth. "Wait, I didn't mean..." Loki shook his head.

"Well, I guess I'll get out of your way then" he mumbled as he backed away into the crowd. You feel like screaming. You head over to the bar where you tell Nat and a very drunk peter what happened. Nat patted you on the back as you hugged her, Peter tried to get out of his chair but fell to the floor.

"Where is he? I'll...I'll" Peter mumbled, trying not to puke.

"We better take Peter home before he throws up all over the place." You say as you let go of Nat. You and Natasha help Peter up off the floor and carry him into a taxi. You spend the taxi ride home thinking about what you could have said differently.

"Why do I even care" you sigh softly. You wake up Natasha and peter as you pull up to Peter's apartment. Natasha helps him inside while you pay the taxi driver.

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