Chapter 5

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A week has gone by, and you haven't figured out an answer to Nat's question. You decide that you should just go and check in on Loki and see if he's ok. You call up Natasha and ask if she wants to come along and she says she'll pick you up. You wait for her to arrive nervously.

"Ugh, why am I so nervous!" you yell. You hear a car horn honk, and you go outside to see Nat's car. you jump in the front seat and put your seatbelt on. Halfway there you start to get second thoughts. "Maybe we should just go back." You say and Natasha stares at you.

"We haven't come all this way for you to chicken out," she says, You sigh and lean back in your chair, trying to relax. You pull up outside of Loki's apartment and get out of the car, you and Nat walk up the stairs and knock on his door. It takes a while, but he answers, opening the door. His eyes go wide, and he quickly changes his dirty stained clothes to fresh ones with his magic.

"y/n? are you doing here?" he says awkwardly. You look behind him into his apartment and see how much of a mess it is. You look back at him and then at Nat, who elbows you in the side.

"Ow! Um...I...I came to check in on you..." you say trying to avoid eye contact. He relaxes a bit and steps aside, gesturing for you to come in. You and Nat walk in slowly as he scrambles to clean everything up. The place is a mess and you and Nat give each other worried looks.

"Thank, well in truth I haven't been doing too well"

"What gave that away?" Nat snorts sarcastically. You and Loki glare at her and she raises her hands in submission. "I guess I'll leave you two be, I'll be in the car If you need me." She walks away and you look back at Loki, still struggling to make eye contact. You go to sit down on the couch, and he sits next to you. You look at Loki and realize just how bad he really looks. You start to get really worried and look up at Loki's face. There are dark circles under his eyes and he looks like he's lost nine pounds. You cup his face and look into his eyes.

" look terrible" Loki laughs softly.

"I almost forgot how forward you are" he leans into your hands and closes his eyes. "I missed you y/n" you let go of his face and pull him into a hug.

"I missed you too," you say quietly. You stay like that for a while, not wanting to let go. Finally, you pull away and look at Loki again.

"What happened?" you say and He looks away.

"When we broke up...I was in a really bad place. I felt like I wasn't good enough and I blamed you for it...I felt horrible that I kicked you out like that. It was the worst decision of my life. After that...I stopped taking care of myself, I barely ate, I never left my apartment. The whole time I was just thinking about you, I couldn't stop. And then you showed up today and...I guess...I just really missed you." His eyes filled up with tears as you pull him into another hug.

"You know what? I'm staying over, I'm going to get you back on track. I'm going to help you get healthy again. I won't leave until you're better." He starts to cry softly, and you hug him tighter. Once he stops crying you pull away again and he wiped his face. "Also...I...I just wanted to let you know...the person you sent you those letters... was me." You curl up anticipating his reaction.

"Oh...I knew you seemed familiar" you giggle, you're surprised he took it so well. "Wait kissed me? And hang on, why did you do it in the first place?"

"Well, uh...yeah. I...I missed you and I didn't think you wanted to see me, so I disguised myself. It was Nat's idea...blame her" Loki laughs as your face grows more and more red. You and Loki talk for a while longer until you realize Nat is still waiting in the car. You tell Loki that you'll be back and you teleport to Natasha's car. She jumps as you appear next to her.

"Jesus Christ y/n! you scared the hell out of me!" you laugh and tell her that she can go home, you'll be staying with Loki. She squints her eyes in suspicion.

"Are you two back together?"

"What? No! I just...I'm gonna look after him for a while..."

"Mhm, right," she tells you that she'll get peter to swing by and drop off your stuff. You get out of the car, and she drives away. You head back upstairs and into the apartment. Loki's still sitting on the couch.

"Ok, I think the first thing I should do is get you in the shower." You say as you walk over to Loki. He chuckles and stands up. He goes pale and wobbles a bit, you run over to him and quickly sit him back down on the couch before he falls. His eyes roll back, and you panic. You lay him down and prop his head up with a pillow. You wait anxiously for him to regain consciousness, debating whether you should call an ambulance. His eyes open and he looks at you wearily. He tries to get up and you stop him, pushing him back softly on the couch.

"Don't get up, you just fainted." His eyes widened. "When was the last time you had anything to eat or drink?" you say sternly.

"Um, yesterday, I think. I had a coffee...And the day before that I had some toast and an apple" you furrow your brow and sigh.

"You have to eat something." You get up and go to the kitchen to get something for him to eat. You bring him back a bottle of water. "I ordered some food since you don't seem to have any. It should be here any minute." You help him sit up and hand him the bottle of water. He starts to drink it slowly and you slump down on the couch next to him. "You had me worried there. I was about to call an ambulance." Loki frowns and you pull him into a hug. After some time, the doorbell rings and you go to answer it. You pay the delivery man and grab the food. You place it down on the table and take your jacket off. As you're plating up the food, Loki looks at your arm.

"What happened there?" he says, pointing to your stitches.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just got grazed by a bullet at work." He laughs at your relaxed reply.

"You say that like it's a paper cut" he replies. You laugh and hand him a plate of food. You turn the tv on and start eating. Realizing Loki isn't eating you grunt at him, mouth full of food.

"Eat your food! Do you want to faint again?" you eventually get out. He chuckles and starts eating slowly.

"It's really great to have you around again. I really appreciate you taking care of me."

"No problem big guy" Loki laughs at your response. After dinner, you help Loki up and he wobbles over to the bathroom with your help. You start the shower and look over at Loki. "Do you need help showering or anything?" you ask, going a bit red.

"As much as I would love it, I think I can take it from here. Thanks, y/n." you laugh and leave the room, leaving the door open (For safety reasons...). You head back into the living room and begin cleaning the apartment. By the time Loki is finished having a shower you have already cleaned the whole place and are now watching tv. Loki comes out of the bathroom and sits next to you. You pat your lap, and he lies down, placing his head on your thighs. You smile and tuck a stray hair behind his ear. He closes his eyes and you two fall asleep like that.

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