Chapter 4

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You teleport behind your target and kill them. You then teleport outside, and a group of guards turn around, shocked at the sudden appearance of you. They grab their guns and point them at you. You teleport out of the way just as they begin to fire. You pick each guard off one by one until the room is cleared. You head outside exhausted and ring your employer.

"Jobs done." You hang up the phone and head home. Once you got home you realized that you were bleeding. You looked for the source and found a bullet wound on your arm. It had only skimmed you, but it still hurt like a son of a bitch. You're surprised that you didn't notice it sooner, and you head to the bathroom to patch yourself up. You're halfway through stitching yourself up when Peter enters the bathroom.

"Woah...what happened?" He stares at your gash and back at you.

"I got skimmed by a bullet on my mission. It's nothing big it's fine. I've had a lot worse." You laugh while peter stares at you. He helps you stitch yourself up and cleans your wound for you. "Thanks, Peter. You're better at this than I thought you'd be," you say, he laughs softly.

"I'm a superhero remember."

"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot." You say sarcastically. You go to your room and flop onto your bed, exhausted and you fall asleep almost instantly.


There's a knock at the front door and peter gets up. "I'll get it," Peter says as he jumps up and over to the front door. You try to listen in and hear Natasha saying something about Loki. You jump up and almost run over to the door.

"See, I knew you'd be listening." She says, holding up an envelope. You realize that Loki must have written back.

"That was quick" you laugh as you grab the envelope from her hand. You run over to the kitchen counter and open it. You begin reading it, 'Dear M, I see you've taken an interest in me. I don't know how you got my address, and I don't know if I should be concerned. You put a lot of detail into your last letter on how you are very fond of me. Would you like to meet? I'm not saying I'm interested, but I'm curious. How about two days from now? The coffee shop near the corner of my apartment, 10:00. Sincerely, Loki.' You giggle and show Nat the letter.

"Well, he's definitely curious, that's for sure" Nat laughs.

"Wait, we need to figure out how to disguise me." You point to Peter, "I need your help" Peter looks surprised and is about to say something when you and Nat whip him away into your room. You put together a disguise ready for your meeting with Loki in two days. It'll be the first time you've seen him since you moved out your stuff and you're looking forward to it, even if you are pretending to be someone else.


It's the morning of the meet-up with Loki. You wake up and head to the kitchen to get breakfast. You look up at the clock and realize it's 9:30 so you immediately start to panic and rush to your room, forgetting all about breakfast and instead swiftly pulling on your disguise.

"Ugh, why am I always late!" You grab your car keys on the way out and then realize that he'd know your car, so you decide to take a taxi. You would teleport but you are exhausted and don't want to risk getting caught. You facetime Natasha in the taxi and ask her what she thinks of your outfit.

"It's great. You look completely different."

"You don't sound very enthusiastic about it" you frown and wonder if you should just turn back now.

"No, no it's fine I think it just needs something else. Can you find a hat store?" you look around outside to try to spot some form of clothing store. You get the driver to pull over and you rush into the nearest store to see if they have any hats. You try on some hats and ask Natasha until you finally find the right one. You run over to the coffee shop and spot Loki, you quickly say goodbye to Natasha and walk over to him.

"Hi, are you Loki?" he turns to look at you.

"Oh yes, you must be..." you panic, you didn't come up with a name.

"Uh, my names...Mylan" you internally cringe. Loki gestures for you to sit down.

"Have we met before? I feel like I know you from somewhere" you try to think of what to say, this was harder than you thought it would be.

"Oh...I'm quite sure we haven't met before...I would know" you chuckle nervously. You start to chat with Loki, and it almost feels like things are back to normal. Almost. Brunch is almost over, and you need more information from him, so you decide to ask more personal questions. "So, are you with anyone at the moment?" Loki almost spits out his drink.

"Oh, um...your very forward aren't you..." He looks away and his face falls. "No, I'm not currently in a relationship..." you suddenly feel a wave of sadness wash over you and you regret getting personal.

"Oh..." you try to stay in character, although proving tough. "Would you like to be in a relationship?" Loki laughs at this.

"So, do you have any hobbies?" he asks awkwardly. You laugh at his attempt to change topics. You and Loki finish your drinks and decide to go on a walk in the nearby park. As you walk you chat with him and ask him some more questions. You sit down on a bench, and he sits next to you, and you notice how tired he looks. He looks as if he hasn't eaten a proper meal in days. You're growing more worried about him.

"So, Mylan, what's the story behind your name?" you panic once again, this time you don't know what to do so you do something stupid. You pull Loki in by his collar and kiss him on the lips. He's shocked, to say the least, and he pulls away almost immediately. Loki stands up abruptly.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this." He turns to you and gives you a weak smile. "It's been nice having company for once...goodbye." Your left sitting there is shocked, frozen like a deer in headlights. You watch him as he walks away and then reach for your phone. You call Natasha and she answers almost immediately.

"Hey, how'd it go? Did you find some juicy gossip?" you're still frozen and the line goes silent. "y/n? Are you there?"

"I kissed him..." you say.

"What?" Natasha says trying to figure out if she heard what she thought she did. you pause again.

"I kissed him...and he said he couldn't do it and left"

"Oh...well, that's good I guess..." you can't help but feel bad.

"I'm coming over, I'll be there in five minutes" before Nat could answer you hang up the phone and head over to her place, teleporting every now and then to go quicker. You get to her apartment and knock on the door. She opens the door and invites you inside. You sit down on her couch and begin to tell her everything that happened. "And then he stood up and left..." Nat looks at you, wide-eyed.

"Oh, wow... that's definitely not how I thought it would go." She says and you sigh.

"He looked really bad. I'm worried about him." You and Natasha talk for a while longer and eventually, she asks you something.

"Do you have feelings for him?" you laugh thinking it's a joke but then realize that Nat is completely serious. You stop laughing and look at Nat.

"Um, I...I don't know. He threw me out and I'm really mad at him for that, but I'm also really worried about him. I...I miss him."

"Well, maybe you should tell him how you feel?"

"I don't know...he'll probably just blow me off again." Nat sighs and gets up, taking your hand.

"Come on, we're going to go check on him." You shake your head and try to break free from her grip.

"No! I'll tell him another, I'm really tired." Nat let's go of your hand and sighs.

"Well, call me when you're ready. I'll come to pick you up and we can go together." You nod and head out the door. Walking home you can't stop thinking about Loki and what Natasha said. You grunt and shake your head.

"Why am I thinking about this so much! We broke up, he broke my heart. That's that!" you get back to peters apartment and head straight to your room. You spend the next few hours pondering whether you're in love with Loki still.

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