Chapter 3

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A few days have passed, and you finally get the courage to go and pack up your stuff from Loki's apartment. You decide to just teleport into the apartment since you couldn't be bothered walking up a massive flight of stairs. As you teleport in, Loki bumps into you, spilling his cereal all over the floor.

"I thought I told you not to do that!" he yells.

"Sorry I forgot" you take a look around and realize how messy the apartment is. "I just came to get my stuff" Loki looks slightly disappointed. He stares at the spilled cereal for a while, debating whether he should just use magic to clean it up or clean it properly. He decides to just use magic. He swipes his hand, and the cereal evaporates.

"Your stuff's over there, I put everything in boxes to make it easier." He said as he walked over and sat on the couch. You glare at him.

"What a gentleman" you mumble sarcastically. You start grabbing stuff and teleporting it to your car. "You know...this would be much quicker if you helped me" Loki looked away from the tv and stared at you.

"Maybe I don't want it to go quickly...I miss you y/n" he said with sadness in his eyes. You look at the floor and sigh. All you want is to tell him just how much he actually means to you.

"Loki...maybe..." you stop yourself, scared of saying something you can't take back. Instead, you shake your head and continue moving your boxes. Loki offers to help but you refuse because there's only one box left. After you've finished packing your car with your boxes you teleport back up to the apartment to say goodbye to Loki.

"Hey Loki, I'm finished..." you stand awkwardly, waiting for a response.

"Ok...I guess I'll see you around then." You were hoping for something more along the lines of, stay, please, but you realize that would never happen. You nod and leave the apartment, walking to your car. When you get into your car you start to cry. It just hit you that you and Loki have officially broken up, and there's no point in telling him how you feel. You wipe away your tears and drive away.


You put your headlights on as you've just noticed it's gotten dark. You've been driving for hours, in the middle of nowhere, ever since you went to pick up your stuff from Loki's apartment. You turned your phone off at the start of your journey so you can drive in peace. With just your thoughts keeping you company, you've been thinking about what to do about the situation you're in. You've decided that you need to forget about Loki and move on. Nothing good is going to come out of trying to resolve this mess. You can't bring yourself to get rid of the photos in your car, but it's a constant reminder that the man you thought you'd spend the rest of your days with no longer wants you. You pull over and pick up the photos stuck to the inside of the visor. You get out of the car and walk over to the bridge in front of you. You step up on the railing and hold out the photos, tears fill in your eyes as you go to rip the photos. Just before you do, you notice something on the back of one of the photos. It reads 'to y/n, for being the only one there for me when no one else was.' you step down from the railing and stare at the photo. There was a lot of history between you and Loki. You've been best friends for ages and You've broken up before, but it was different. You were 19 and stupid, you had gotten really drunk and started a fight with him, you broke his trust. It was two whole years before you became friends again. You get back into your car and start to drive back to peters place. You get back to peters apartment and go straight into your room and slump down on your bed. Peter comes in with a worried look on his face.

"Where the hell have you been?" you look up at him and shrug nonchalantly.

"I went for a drive" he stares at you with wide eyes.

"For 9 hours!?" he yells. You didn't realize you were gone for so long. Peter looks down at your hands and sees the photos, he sighs and sits down next to you. "y/n...maybe it's for the best" you look down at the photos of you and Loki and sigh.

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