Chapter 9

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Suddenly you're startled awake by Loki shaking and mumbling. He starts to breathe heavily and you try calling his name, with no luck. Now extremely worried, you grab him and give him a light shake. "Loki! Wake up! It's just a nightmare! you're ok, I'm here, you're fine." after a while, Loki finally wakes up, jolting upright. He struggles to catch his breath as you pull him into a soft hug. You look up at him and cup his face in your hands. "It's ok, I'm here. It was just a nightmare." A tear rolls down his cheek and you pull him into another hug. You stay like that for what seemed like forever, neither of you wanting to let go. Loki pulls away, lying back down. You lay down next to him and place your head on his chest. "New York?" you say quietly. He nods his head and closes his eyes.

"Sorry...I've been getting nightmares really calmed me down quickly," he says and you smile and look up at him.

"Really?" he nods and gives you a small smile. "And you never have to apologize for having nightmares...ever! Ok?" you sit up and grab his hand. He looks at you and a smile grows on his face. "What?" you say.

"'s're really beautiful, and you're the kindest person I've ever met. How could a guy like me end up with a wonderful person like you?" you laugh a little and place a small kiss on his hand.

"Trust me, I'm no saint." You look into Loki's eyes, and he blushes slightly, "You really need to stop making it out like you're a bad guy, because you're not. In fact, you're the nicest, most kind-hearted, pure person on this planet. At least with me." Loki chuckles and sits up, his eyes tearing a little.

"After everything that I've still think that?" he says.

"Yes, especially after everything that you have done. Honestly Loki, I'm so lucky that I have you in my life...because if I didn' life would be a complete mess." you and Loki let out a chuckle. "Take the last months for example. Without you I was...lost...and I didn't realize just how much you actually meant to me." You look down at your hands and sigh softly. Loki reaches out and cups your face with his big hands, lifting it up to look into your eyes.

"I missed you so much y/n, I don't think either of us understood just how much we completed each other." Your eyes start to fill up with tears and Loki wipes them away softly as they fall onto your cheeks. "y/n...I love you" Loki says sweetly. You look at him and smile widely,

"I love you too Loki" just as you say that you look at Loki's lips. He notices and pulls his face towards yours slowly. Your heart starts beating faster as you look at his lips again. He stops just inches away from your face, his warm breath on your cheek. You look up, locking eyes. Even though you feel like your heart is beating faster than would be considered healthy, you lean in. You close the gap between your mouths and kiss him softly, passionately. You can feel him smiling and you laugh softly. You finally pull away, sucking in oxygen. Loki looks down and smirks. "What are you smirking at greasy?" you say with a smile on your face. Loki laughs and looks up at you.

"I really missed you y/n," he says softly. You move over to him and lay down, pulling him with you. Once you have successfully snuggled up to Loki you whisper,

"I really missed you too, Loki" after a while you two fall asleep, Loki holding you in his arms.

Now things were back to normal between you, better even. After that night, Loki stopped having nightmares, and you two were almost inseparable. He was healthy and thriving once again, life was back on track and better than ever.

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