How unfortunate

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Two weeks later( because I'm lazy)

"Alright Y/n we have a job for you?"

"I'm not being a hero."

"We know that. That's why we are allowing you to continue what you're doing. But we have a Mission in the works that we would love some inside eyes in."

"Really? Why would you make a stupid Decision like that?"

"Y/n just listen."

"Yes sir."

In ground beta.

"Alright everyone calm down! Now since we are all going back to regular schedule and now in training. I have something new for you guys to do."

"Sir Aizawa isn't this team work one of us is missing!"

"I know Iida and yes it is. Y/n!"

I flew from the top of a building and landed on the ground. I got a new villain outfit and I love it.

(Pic up top)

I stood arms crossed and wings folded behind me. These past two weeks I got a lot of help from my new parents and Midorya and Todroki and Hawks. I can kinda control my fire but not as good as I wished. The feather thing tho I got down.

"Now Y/n will be working as a villain still-."

"What! Then why adopt her and let her live with us!"

"Uraraka hush!"

Everyone looked at her. Everyone that was there when I got my wings were being nice to me and I had some friends but most the class hates me.

"Anyway since she is a real villain I will be letting you guys fight her. She can go has far as she wants as long as no one dies."


I smirked at everyone as they looked at me.

"Now we are going to treat this as a real mission. Meaning there will be no help from the teachers. You will have to hunt Y/n down. We are going to use information files so you know what you're dealing with. Take your time and don't rush. I'm talking to you Bakugo."


"Y/n you may go into the city now."

"Yes sir."

I flew off into the city to start the so called crime scene. I sent my feathers out. As they flew around the area they caught buildings and other things on fire. Soon the whole area was in flames. It was extremely hot. Since All for one took away the fire protection this area is just bait. I flew up into the sky enjoying the feeling of being free. I stopped and let myself fall. I opened my eyes to look at the sky but I didn't see the sky. My eyes widened in fear.

"Oh no don't worry I'm not really here."

"All for one."

Midoriya POV

"Ok so from the information she should be were the fire is."

"Right what do we do when we get there?"

"The area has already been evacuated so all we need to do is get control of the fire then her."

We all ran together of course kachan had to go ahead. But we haven't heard from him and we only heard him leave. There hasn't been any explosions. We came up on the area Todroki and Momo and some others putting out fires as we walked to the middle.



When we got to the middle area we saw a figure in the flames and smoke. I made everyone stop and I took a step forward.

"Y/n? Kachan?"

"Fu-cking b-bitch....."


"Midoriya! Wait!"

The smoke and flames cleared thanks to Todroki. The figure was Y/n she is standing on Kachans throat as he struggled. I backed a way.

"Y/n. Let him go!"

"Listen closely I think It's time to show All Might the real problem. You hero's think you can change us with one conversation. You also think you can fight and use your quirks all you want with nothing to lose!"

"Y/n we didn't mean to upset you."

We all stood there in shock as Kachan passed out.  She turned her head to the side and made eye contact with me. Her eyes didn't look the same. They looked empty.

"Y/n wait I think there's something wrong. Maybe you should come with me so we can see Aizawa."


In a split second she attacked us.

A few minutes before Y/n POV

"All for one!"

"Sh dear you really think that there wasn't a catch to your new quirk? Just take away the Advantages isn't enough you betrayed us you need to be punished. Now a part of my quirk is in yours. I control you and I can check in like this every now and then. How about we test it out?"

He touched my head and everything went black.

The girl that's lost. (Deku x villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now