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Dekus POV

"Hey Y/n get dressed All might wants to see us." I said on the other side of my door.

"Ok." She said and I waited outside my room. Not to long after she was skipping out my room. She grabbed my hand and she skipped happily.

(I'm lazy.)

Soon we made it to All mights office. She walked through the door and surprisingly gave All might a hug. We both were shocked. She let go and sat down on a couch. We both looked at each other and shrugged. I sat next to her and All might sat across from us.

"So we are here to talk about what's going on with you Y/n." She nodded and All Might continued.

"Now I know your parents want to get a blood sample so we can figure this out. Y/n?" I looked over to Y/n and her eyes are purple. I waved my hand in front of her and nothing.

"I think she's remembering something." I said and looked at All Might.


I was happy to meet All Might but something he said made me have a flash back.

I ran out of what seemed to be a house. My body hurt and my hands had blood on them. I ran up to the tall man known as All Might. I was much smaller then everyone around him. I grabbed on his leg and yelled.

"Help me please! Mommy and daddy are being mean and hurting me!" I yelled. All Might picked me up. He just laughed.

"Looks like someone got into trouble. I know your parents little one let's get you back home." I cried and tried to get out his arms but I couldn't.

Soon I was back home. They talked for a bit but once that door closed. It was nothing but fear and disappointment.

When I came back it was quiet. I was looking right at All Might. I looked away and looked at my hands on my lap. I brought them into a fist as he started talking.

"Anyway now that you're back. We need a blood sample. Your adopted parents want to make sure everything is all right and we might have a way to get your memories back completely." I stood.

"If my adopted parents wants something from me then they can come and get it or tell me them selfs." I started to make my way to the door.

"Where do you think you're going young lady?" I turned to him again.

"Anywhere but here with you. You discussed me that you even still call yourself a hero." I scoffed and went to the door grabbing the handle.

"Young Y/n that's no way to talk to me. I'm your elder." I looked over my shoulder to him.

"Right but elders are also supposed to protect and help us live. You did the opposite so don't talk to me." I said before slamming the door and going to my Dad Aizawas classroom.

Dekus POV

"All Might." I looked at his pail face.

"Yes my boy?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What did you do?" I asked sternly.

"Oh um." He hesitated.

"Don't lie." I said getting pissed. She was having a good morning now whatever came back will ruin her day.

"I um might have not helped her get away from her parents. Instead I brought her to them." I looked down. I shook my head and stood going to the door. Before I left I had one last thing to say.

"You do know that because of that this. Everything that's happened to her and everyone here is your fault." I said gripping the handle.

"I know my boy and I'm sorry." I scoffed.

The girl that's lost. (Deku x villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now