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Dekus POV

It's been weeks. Eri is living with everyone at U.A. Aizawa is the one taking most care of her. I was happy and U.A is having a big event coming up but there's one problem. No one has seen or heard from Y/n. Ever since she was in the hospital. The teachers have been acting weird also.

I haven't been able to focus because of this. Not in class. Not at dance rehearsal. Even right now in class she's all I can think of. I sighed in my site as I drew on my paper. It was a picture of Y/n. Every little detail her scar on her face, her f/c hair, her e/c eyes. I sighed dropping my pencil.

Someone isn't telling me something.

Ochako has been really happy now that Y/n hasn't showed up. She has also been up my ass. I didn't notice but the bell rang. I only noticed when I looked up and everyone is standing by my desk. And by everyone I mean.


"Hey guys wassup?" I asked confused why everyone is at my desk.

"Where is she Midoriya?" Momo asked holding her hands to her chest.

"I don't know guys. The last person to see her was Aizawa." They all turned around and looked at him. Kacchan being the one to step up first. He stomped over to his desk and slammed both hands on his desk.

"Kacchan!" I stood yelling at him not wanting to get in trouble.

"Where is she huh! You're her fucking parent and the last to see her! So where is she!" Aizawa looked up from his paperwork and looked at all of us. He sighed and sat in his chair.

"Look I didn't want to say anything. Well because you guys need a break and with the festival I wanted you to have fun. But if you're going to push me." He slid a hand down his face and sighed again.

"Y/n.......she was taken at the scene of Overhaul. I talked to All Might and with the state she was in and her other issue in her head. We think the league grabbed her when they could." We all froze. Kacchan going into a violent rant.

"The hell? It's been weeks are you guys even doing anything!" Aizawa sighed and nodded.

"We are but we have no leads. Most hero's are on the job but with no leads or inside eyes or real evidence we can't do anything." The room got quite.

This is all my fault. I shouldn't have left her there.

"Midoriya? You ok?" I shook my head and looked down at my desk.

"Um I'm.......I'm going to go see All Might." I closed my note book and started packing up my stuff.

"How about all of you take the rest of the day off." Aizawa said standing. We all nodded and I left the room bag over my shoulder.

In All Mights office.

I was sitting on the couch with a cup of green tea in my hand. All Might is sitting on the couch across from me. I was just looking at the tea in my hand.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about young Midoriya?" All Might asked. Concerned because I rarely start a conversation in here.

"Did you know?" I asked him not looking up from my cup.

"Know what?" I huffed at his response.

"That Y/n is gone! The league took her!" I yelled gripping the cup in my hands. The room got quiet nothing but my sniffles can be heard.

"I know my boy." I looked up at him tears in my eyes.

"You knew! You didn't tell me! Are you even looking for her?!" I yelled my emotions getting the best of me.

"I know you're upset b-." I cut him off.

"Upset! Upset! No shit I'm upset!" I wiped my tears away as they ran down my cheeks.

"Midoriya watch your mouth in front of me." It was silent again. I just sat there crying.

"Look my boy we are doing everything we can. The league is always so hard to find. We aren't even 100% sure that it was the league that took her." It was quiet again. All Might sighed and set his tea on the table between us.

"We are doing our best. How about you go back to the dorms and rest. Take a few days off." I nodded sniffing.

I got up and grabbed my bag doing as I'm told and walking out the door.

Back at the dorms
Still Dekus POV

When I got to the dorms. Everyone that talked to Aizawa with me is in the common room. I slipped my shoes off and walked past everyone. Not giving them a glance.

I went up the stairs to my room. I opened the door and put my bag down. I started to get changed. I took my shirt off and looked over at my bed. There was a teddy bear on it. I sighed. I got that for her not to long ago. Because I thought she was in the hospital. I looked down remembering the other reason why I got it.

"Yeah but I should have known I wouldn't have been able to keep it. It it's a real teddy bear they always get taken away." I remember you saying that so I got one for you that won't be taken away. But you might not ever get it.

I changed into my shorts and t-shirt. I grabbed my charger and a few other things. I walked out my room and headed over to the girls dorm.

When I got there I went to Y/n's room. It was unlocked so I walked on in. I fell on her bed face first. I grabbed one of her pillows and hugged it close to my body.

I don't really know why I'm missing her so much. All we do is argue. But I guess there were some good moments. It's been weeks she's probably dead for all we know. With that thought the tears started again. I cried into her pillow.

I stayed there all night.

The girl that's lost. (Deku x villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now