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( sorry short.)

I woke up a few seconds later. Still in raged. I was fighting off Aizawa and other heroes. Eventually I stopped a little and they got my arm wrapped up. When they were done I pushed them off and went back to the meeting. I walked in and stood by the wall. I looked around the room my eyes landing on the hero rock lock sitting next to Deku. The man sighed in frustration and looked at Sir.

"Ok now tell me why are there a whole bunch of kids and a villain!" He slammed his fist on the table. Sir fixed his glasses and sighed.

"The more people we have the better." I smiled and pushed myself off the wall. Hands behind my back.

"Besides. what is it Rock Lock?" I walked over to his chair and leaned on the back of his chair.

"I know where the girl is. I know where Overhaul is. I'm the only one in here with all the answers." He nodded as I stood behind him. I straightened up and trailed my finger on the back of his chair as I slowly walked away.

"You know me Rock Lock. You my not know my name but well I sure do know some of your old side kicks." I giggled and he stood up. Slamming both hands on the table.

"Why is she here! She just admitted to killing heros! Ones that worked for us!" He yelled. I stopped right behind Deku. I put my arms on his shoulders and wrapped them around his neck. I sit my head on my arm and leaned my head against his.

"Now let me be honest. Did I make a mistake yes do I regret it no. That's only because they were corrupt and didn't deserve the name hero. Some of you tho are decent. This one here is better then every single one of you. If it wasn't for him I would still be in the streets or dead even. So calm down ok." I smiled and kissed Dekus cheek. I got off him and ruffled his hair. I walked past Mirio and to Sir. I snatched up the paperwork and read it over. I smiled reading the information.

"Well from the information here I should really get back. Does anyone have any candy or anything?" Fat Gum raised his hand. I walked over and grabbed the candy from him. I nodded to him and walked over to the window.

"I expect to see everyone tomorrow. Track my phone for the location." I said and jumped out the window flying back to base.

Dekus POV

I was looking at my lap blushing at how Y/n put me on the spot. After she left the meeting continued. I looked around my eyes stopping on brown ones. Ochako is staring at me. She looks almost angry and hurt.

What did I do?

Later Y/n POV

When I got back Eri just got out the lab. When I got to her room. She was sitting on her bed. I walked over and sat next to her. She hugged my side. I smiled and patted her back.

"Look what I got." I got the candy from my pocket and showed her. She gasped and took the candy's out my hand. I sat there and watched as she ate them.

"They will be here soon Eri. Just like I promised."she hummed and went to play with
her toys.

Dekus POV Dorms

We where all cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. That's when I decided to go ask Ochako what her problem was. Even tho I know What it is already.

"Hey Um Uaraka can I ask you something?" I asked walking up behind her. She turned and sighed.

"What is it Deku." By the tone in her voice she really didn't want to talk to me.

"Um I just wanted to know why you gave me a dirty look at the meeting." She sighed and crossed her arms.

"Really Deku?" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously and nodded.

"You let her put the spot light on you!" I furrow my eyebrows.


"So? So! Deku she's a villain! She will ruin everything you're trying to accomplish! And you let her kiss your cheek!" She stomped her foot and yelled in my face. Everyone around us stopped to watch.

"It's not the first time. She always does that. And I sure she won't ruin anything." I put my hands up in defense.

"Yeah Ochako she's out there now. In the field working on our side even tho she can get killed." Kiri joined in. She huffed and stomped away upstairs.

I sighed putting my hands down.

What's her problem.

The girl that's lost. (Deku x villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now