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( I have decided that there will be a second book to this. Any questions please comment.)

The next morning when I woke up in Izukus bed in his clothes. I felt a lot better but the weird feeling of the neon purple stuff was still around. I hopped up and ran out the room. Seeing Izuku is not there. I ran downstairs into the common room. I walked in and looked around. Everyone but a few people are in the living room.

"Hey guys were is-." I stopped talking when Mina pointed to the kitchen.

"Thanks." I said before making my way to the kitchen. When Toga popped up I stopped in my tracks. I I thought this was just my fever I had.

"Hey Y/n wait outside and listen. Pink cheeks is not in the living room with everyone else." I stared at her for a minute. She has a point.

"Y/n you ok?" I didn't respond to them.

"Fine I will but go away." I said in my head. She giggled and disappeared.

I leaned against the wall listening. Of course Toga popped right back up.

"Deku come on. She broke my nose." Ochaco said I don't know what she's doing I'm not looking.

"Well look." I shook my head trying to get her to go away.

"I'm not looking." I Whispered to myself.

"Well Ochaco I don't know what to say. I have no idea why she attacked you last night. She had a tuff time so-." She cut him off.

"That's no excuse!" She yelled. Me and toga had enough. I was silent walking up behind her as Midoriya thought of what to say.

"Well if there's a problem you bring it to me." I said into her ear. She flinched and turned to me. I crossed my arms. She backed up into Deku.

"Go on say it!" I said stepping closer. Togas voice excited in my head.

"Yes yes scare her yell at her kill her!" She yelled in the back of my head I didn't care tho.

"You you broke my nose!" She stood straight. Both of us in each other's faces.

"And what are you going to do about it? Hm?" I asked raising a eyebrow tilting my head.

"I Uh." I smiled evilly.

"I Uh. Exactly! Nothing you're not going to do shit but tell on me like a baby. Bitch I will rip you apart and not even think about it." She looked up at Deku and back to me as our noses touched.

"I'm not helping this is all you Ochaco." He said going back to what he was doing.

"Um." I scoffed.

"Ok well you're not going to do anything and you ruined my day so I'm going to get dressed." I said walking away from her.

When I got to the room and leaned on the door.

"You know you should have killed her then and there." I heard Dabis voice. I opened my eyes and there is nothing.

"Get out of my head. I thought you guys were my fever!" I yelled putting my hands on my head.

"Nope you've lost it Y/n or should I say my little Angel." I growled as Toga spoke. I banged my head on the door behind me.

"But the good thing is it's not really us." Dabi said.

"Nope not really we are just your own imagination. Not like what All for one did." Toga finished off.

"Yeah that's good." I said to no one.

"Aw Dabi she's talking to us out loud!" Toga yelled.

"That's a good thing. We will be here forever." Dabi said.

The girl that's lost. (Deku x villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now