- 1: New Priorities -

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(This Chapter follows the events of the first Episode pretty closely, they won't all be like that though. The first few in particular will be.)


Momonga quickly pulled his skeletal hand away from Albedo's chest to her disappointment, waving his other hand in the direction after clearing his nonexistent throat while speaking quickly.

Momonga: "Hold on a moment! I have a perfectly reasonable explanation as for why I had to do this to....her...."

Looking down to the figure standing before the throne, Momonga expected to see another NPC. This would of course be terrible, as it would mean his reputation with at least one of them would be ruined straight from the get-go. But instead of seeing an NPC, he saw someone he was far more familiar with. A hooded man wearing a bone-white mask, covered in glowing blue runes. Momonga had just stated their name some minutes ago while looking at the flags of his guildmates, in fact.

Momonga: "Arakan...is that you?"

Arakan was one of the very few members of Ainz Ooal Gown that Momonga addressed without honorifics. This was not because they were especially close when compared to the others or anything...but simply because Arakan had forced everyone into doing so. It had taken Momonga quite awhile to get used to it.

Arakan: "It is. Hello."

Arakan gave a casual wave, still having the same tone he did when asking his initial question. Momonga felt a wave of intense embarrassment at the realization that one of his friends had seen him do such a thing, but he suddenly felt it be suppressed by unknown means. Though some embarrassment still remained, it was in large part replaced by feelings of hope. If Arakan was here then...

Momonga: "...Are the others here with you as well?"

Arakan simply gave a slight shrug while tilting his head in response.

Arakan: "No idea. I arrived just a few minutes before Yggdrasil shut down. If that's why I'm here, then you and I are the only ones."

Momonga sighed internally. That line of thinking made sense. While there was still a chance, it was unlikely that his other guildmates were here. He wouldn't be getting his hopes up. While this saddened him, he shook his head.

Momonga: Well....at least Arakan is here. having even just one of my comrades here with me should make this situation more bearable...maybe it'll be easier for us to figure out what's going on together.

Momonga turned his head now to Albedo, who had been patiently waiting while they spoke, her cheeks still slightly flushed from earlier.

Momonga: "I'll give you your orders now, Albedo. Tell the Guardians of each floor excluding those of the Fourth and Eighth floors to meet on the Sixth Floor in an hours time. This obviously means that you will not need to tell Aura and Mare, I will do so myself."

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