- 4: An Adventurer? -

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--- Arakan's POV ---

A tall man stood at the end of a large line leading to the gate of a port city. He wore flashy white clothing that consisted of a white overcoat, white trousers, while boots, and black gloves. At his hip was a longsword constructed from the prismatic ore known as Star Silver, making it a weapon of unparalleled value and durability when compared to those of this New World, which had yet to discover any sort of prismatic minerals. This blade was concealed by an equally impressive white sheathe, completing the look he had going. The white of his clothing clashed with his jet black hair and gloves, making him stand out even more from the rest of the people in the line, who had predominantly blonde and brown hair colors.

Standing behind him was a beautiful woman with long black hair, who wore a white cloak to match the apparel of the man she stood close to. Underneath her cloak she wore jet black leather armor of extreme quality, and a single black steel gauntlet on her left arm. Just below this armored hand a simple short sword hung from her waist in a black sheathe.

The man was none other than the Supreme Being Arakan, wearing different apparel and making use of illusions to hide his fangs and strange eye shape. Behind him was his Pleiades companion, Yuri Alpha. She too had changed her apparel, letting her hair down and removing her glasses as well to mask her appearance. The collar she normally wore to keep her head in place had been replaced by a more simplistic one, and was hidden by the collar of her black shirt. They were simple disguises, but they would serve their purposes as long as no one was looking for similarities between their current states and their true forms. 

As the line slowly began to move forward, Yuri spoke to her master quietly.

Yuri: "Arakan-sama, could we not just get into the city undetected at any time instead of waiting here? Forcing one such as yourself to stand in this line is..."

Arakan: "It is a little aggravating, but I don't mind. It's important that people see us arriving."

She was meant to be using a different name when referring to him, but the truth was that he hadn't come up with an alternate name to use. Coming up with one for her was easy enough, she had a longer name to work with. But it didn't matter for now, she had spoken to him quiet enough, and it was unlikely that the peasants around them were paying attention to whatever she said. That didn't mean there still wasn't an issue, though. He needed to come up with an alias.

The city they were waiting in line to enter was known as Re-Uroval, the largest port city in the Re-Estize Kingdom. It had been chosen as Arakan's target of reconnaissance, and the starting point of his new false life as a human in the New World, with Yuri assisting him. He hoped it would go well.

--- AINZ POV ---

Three Days Earlier

Ainz sat again in his office with Arakan sitting in a chair opposite of him. Four days had passed since their 'battle' at Carne Village. They had been discussing their plans for what they should do going forward.

Ainz: "I think the best way for us to learn more about this world would be to live amongst it's people, to some extent. ...I would also like to try being an Adventurer after finding out that they exist, I think it could be entertaining."

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