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--- Arakan's POV ---

The smoke in front of Arakan parted in an instant as Angmar's body tore through it, his flaming mace raised to strike him. He swung as he passed-   but the Vampire effortlessly ducked under it before continuing the conversation happening in his mind.

Arakan: "...How can you be sure she has?"

Angmar spun around, again moving towards Arakan.  He attacked with both of his weapons as Arakan moved his own to meet them, the two warriors beginning their clash.

Entoma: "Albedo-sama says she has confirmed it via the Throne of Kings, though we are at present unaware of her location."

Arakan: "Does Ainz know?"

Arakan parried a swing from the Wraith Lord, throwing him off balance and allowing a follow up attack. He drove his fist into the Wraith's midsection, throwing him into and destroying a nearby pillar.

Entoma: "He does not. When I attempted to contact him, he informed me that he was busy at the time. I have asked Ainz-sama to contact Albedo-sama when he is available to."

Arakan sighed internally. Whatever he was doing probably wasn't as important...least he could have done was asked for a quick summary.

Arakan: Skill: Blade Waves.

The holy light coating his blade flared, indicating that the skill had been activated. He lifted it up in preparation for a horizontal swing even though his enemy was still quite far away from him.

Arakan: "Who was the last one to come into contact with her?"

Entoma: "That would be Sebas-sama and my sister Solution, Arakan-sama. Both have shown no signs of betrayal and are continuing their mission as normal. They reported no changes in behavior when they last saw Shalltear-sama."

Arakan: "I see. That's all I needed to know, Entoma. Await instruction from Ainz, I'm going to carry out some reconnaissance of my own. Thank you for informing me."

Entoma: "Understood, Arakan-sama. And of course."

Arakan felt the connection between their minds severed, and again focused on the fight in front of him. It was time to end it. Angmar leapt at him, but that only served to make it more difficult to evade Arakan's next attack. He swung his sword, releasing a wave of holy energy in the form of a crescent arc. It slammed into the wraith's abdomen before he could react, tearing into his ethereal form and carrying him with it as it crashed through the wall of the keep to continue moving onwards-   but by then both Angmar and the attack that had hit him were no longer visible.

The moment he had gotten rid of him, Arakan connected their minds via the message spell.

Arakan: "We're ending this now, Angmar. Gather the others and withdraw."

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